Tendency Poll

  1. Proukunin
    This is just a poll I'd like to take to see what different tendencies we have joining in this group.
  2. Comrade1
    Marxist-Leninist, Anti-Revisionist, Stalin supporter
  3. Proukunin
  4. Red Brigade
    Red Brigade
    Anti-revisionist, Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist-Maoist. But I don't hate trots, left-communists, or anarchists like most anti-revisionists do.
  5. Comrade1
    0_o just confused as to how your anti-revisionist and dont hate revisionists lol, its like im anti-capitalist but i dont hate morgan freeman lol. But I will agree with you about anti-revisionism and how revisionists ruin genuine socialist parties
  6. Red Brigade
    Red Brigade
    I don't agree with all revisionists ideas but for a successful revolution we will have to bring all types of communists together.
  7. Comrade1
    I agree for the revolution we must all be brought together against the common enemy (capitalism) but revisionists, post revolution, will risk our glorious attempt at communism.
  8. Proukunin
    i dont think trots are revisionists like krushevits or hu jintao
  9. Zeus the Moose
    Zeus the Moose
    revolutionary Marxist, ex-Trotskyist still with reasonable Trotskyist leanings, and a general supporter of the politics of the CPGB.
  10. Proukunin
    Welcome Zeus. I also have Trotsky leanings. I have Maoist leanings too lol.
  11. Impulse97
    Ex-Trot and current Luxembourgist. Certain Leninist leanings. I'm chill with eberyone except stalinists really. Not too sure about Maoists yet. Meh. We're all in this together i guess. no use fighting.
  12. Proukunin
    We are all in this together, hard stalinists who follow his full line are completely crazy in my own personal belief but, we are all trying to reach a common goal of communism
  13. RedMarxist
    A Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, at your service. In my opinion Stalinists are kind of nuts(he was a brutal dictator, no offense) but like ChrisC, I believe we have to all work together to establishing true communism in the long run. Long Live Revolution!
  14. uk revolutionist
    I'm a mix really of both trot and stalin. Stalin did some terrible things I know so if we had say trot, lenin and stalin we could have the perfect world. Stalin made Russia great. Im not a hard stalinist btw. Here in the UK we need a revolution and quick!
  15. Proukunin
    How do you view Socialism in one country and Permanent revolution?
  16. Agent Ducky
    Agent Ducky
    "Libertarian Socialist" officially... Leaning towards anarcho-communism and left communism unless I see better reasoning elsewhere.

    I think everyone should stop calling each other revisionist. It's kinda silly.
  17. Proukunin
    Me as well. If we are in a united marxist group. The idea of the of the group is to combine all tendencies in marxism to get rid of tendencies and sectarianism. But as long as everyone follows the basics of marxism. I see no reason for anyone to be a 'revisionist'