Conversation Between shinjuku dori and Prometeo liberado

  1. Prometeo liberado
    1 being fully clothed I would say -8. At dinner.
  2. Prometeo liberado
    Ill give it a try. I prefer actual street work myself though.
  3. Prometeo liberado
    Never been there. Worth it?
  4. Prometeo liberado
    We both have the same body.
  5. Prometeo liberado
    Dirty. I would say larger than the combined membership of the PSL, over the last 5 years. Or its collective I.Q.
  6. Prometeo liberado
    LOL! Not yet at least. jbeard stands for James Beard. The award given out to top Chefs.
  7. Prometeo liberado
    "she had a red,red scarf around her neck. Her eyes were green, her hair was black. she left me on a breeze for Tokyo" Pouges. Your message was the sickest, most elegant thing I've read in two days comrade!
  8. Prometeo liberado
    Good for you!!!!! Never got to exchange my thought s on Japan with you as I have been reading as much about its history as I can lately. Avoir, " Now its time for sayanora..Go on geysha break my heart.....nothing left to say now..." Pouges
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8