Conversation Between LeninistIthink and Q

  1. LeninistIthink
    Yo Q, what you thinking about this whole Corbyn thing?
  2. LeninistIthink
    well I'll take another look at the CPGB(PCC) group I looked at them once a few years back, still shopping around . Also , IMO the split between the CWI and IMT is key, the hatred for each other isn't. Also trotskyism has a lot of splits for a lot of reasons Duncan Hallas did a good explanation for it , mainly that it was because of the lack of connection to the working class which it had when it began and the large amount of P-B and permanent opposition types joining up, but I'm sure you probably know that, you were a trot back when I was 6!

    P.S Thanks for saying ' you have fun' when I consider joining the group you waged war on as a CWIer , a lot of 'marxists' wouldn't do that, wish you all the best with the Communist Platform
  3. Q
    Well, it certainly wasn't my intention to got you join the IMT

    To be frank, the CWI and IMT are two drops of water in many respects. The fact that they aren't one organisation today tells you a lot about the dogmatic issues both groups have and indeed Trotskyism as a tradition has.

    But hey, you have fun
  4. LeninistIthink
    >your comment on Corbyn has got me thinking about joining the IMT. What magical group switching comment powder have you got , I want some for the M-Ls lol
  5. Q
    Good to know that you work there

    About the CPGB focus on unification: They aim for programmatic unity. If sections follow a different programme, then a split would be justified. This is what happened in the RSDLP for example, despite that they had disagreements within the Bolsheviks and debated them publically.
  6. LeninistIthink
    Oh and if you were in London did you pass by the Marx Library, I work there from time to time mainly in summer holidays but you should definitely go next time you're london
  7. LeninistIthink
    I do remember reading some stuff by the CPGB(PCC) on Lenin a few years back, would you organise on a bolshevik unification , so all the different sects will be united into one dem cen party? Also, I can't tell about SA , I saw them out on a demo the other day, perhaps they made the same turn as SPEW???
  8. Q
    The CPGB indeed also aims to transform the workers movement. However, because the far left is so weak in the Netherlands, their strategic aim is to unite the far left first around a communist programme. Only then can the left begin to make a dent in the wider movement. So, there's a difference between "transforming the workers movement" and "transforming the far left sect landscape".

    In the Netherlands we at least have the Socialist Party, which has strong radical roots in activism. We can therefore work directly to win the SP for communist ideas.
  9. Q
    Regarding the SA in the Greens: I heard that during my recent visit in London, and yes, I too was pretty amazed. Given favorable pieces here and here and a mention on their Wiki page that they got a deputy leader speaking for them on their summerschool this year, I do give credence to this story. I'm sure they'll soon move back to Labour and want to forget about this episode
  10. LeninistIthink
    Wait socialist appeal work in the greens now, can I see a source for that this is big news to me. I think the tactic you mentioned was carried out by a few groups here in the UK, the International Marxist Group, Labour Party Marxists, The Club, WRP etc where they did 'liquidise' themselves into Labour. I thought you now sympathised with CPGB(PCC) , AFAIK they favour uniting the revolutionary left not working in the main soc dem parties, if that is what you meant by existing workers movement, sorrry if it wasn't.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 19