Conversation Between Imposter Marxist and Prometeo liberado

  1. are you following me around harrasing me in threads?
  2. Excuse me sir, you're hurting my feelings.
  3. Prometeo liberado
    Now we all know you're a right-wing troll. Have fun getting banned idiot.
  4. Foxnews may be news of the capitalists, but at least its not the genocidal state capitalists news source.

    What did you learn while you were imprisioned in the Nightmare state of Cuba/Castroland
  5. Prometeo liberado
    Oh well if you "heard" it from a miami ex-pat then it must be true. I on the other hand only lived there for close to a year, with a family and have journo friends who have lived there for quite some time so I see how you base your analysis. Does Fox news tell you how to interpret Marx as well. Dont waste my time.
  6. Cuba is run by a dictator who represses people and keeps them poor.

    A comrade in my organization is from Miami and he told me all about it, he used to live there
  7. Prometeo liberado
    Cuba huh? Ever been there or do others do the thinking for you? Call on who to "intervene" where? Isn't there a bake sale you people need to be at to raise funds for the new playground?
  8. i'm compiling a list of "Nightmare States" that are states that are worse than imperialist ones, that we must call on the UN to intervene in! So far, I've got Syria, Cuba, Zimbabwe, and North Korea.
  9. Prometeo liberado
    Did anthony cliffy let you say that?
  10. ill get you for that, you worm
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10