Conversation Between PC LOAD LETTER and MP5

  1. I forget that he's Canadian alot as well so don't feel bad lol
    You know, I always forget that he's Canadian. And I run the local chapter of his cult!! He definitely offsets The Biebster and Nickelback, and Les Stroud is pretty much a well-rounded badass, so he helps offset them as well. I suppose Canada is fairly balanced after all. Like some twisted yin and yang.
  3. He balances off all of the horribly shitty music that is after coming out of Canada since about 13 years ago all by himself. Granted Leonard Cohen came out of Canada to which is another of my favorite artists so i think between the 2 of them they more then balance off the likes of nickleback and Justin the douche bag bieber.
    hell yes!
  5. A fellow Neil Young fan i see . I have been a huge fan of Neil Young since i was about 14 years old which was not yesterday lol. Anyway just thought id say hi and that Ive added you as a friend.
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