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  1. Crux
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    hey comrade, I was thinking of posting some threads in the chinese language forum with articles from and it struck me, do you know of any instructions online, preferably in chinese, on how to get around the internet censorship in china? I think that ought to be posted in the forum. oh and I would love to continue our debate on the struggle for democratic rights as well if you feel you have the time.
  2. View Conversation
    I remember being horrified when I first read about what China was like before the 1949 revolution. One thing that really jumped out at me was that the American consul-general in Shanghai estimated that in the late 1940's-right before the Communists took power- the minicipal city sweepers cleared up 25,000 dead bodies from the streets every year, men, women, and children who had starved, died of diseases, or had been murdered during the night. Or that nearly one fifth of the China's entire population were opium addicts! Or the tens of millions who died in famines in the countryside in the 19th century while European capitalists looted China wholesale. And if there was any resistance, the British and French would bombard China's cities with their navies and kill literally thousands of people.
    We so often are lectured about the human cost of revolution, but mainstream discourse never considers the human cost of not having one.
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    Yes, it is good that you point out the class backgrounds of those who were persecuted and singled out during the Cultural Revolution- nearly all of those memoirs that are widely promoted, such as 'Wild Swans' are of people of a bourgeois background, even if their families came to support the Communists later on. It's not that their accounts are not true, its just that it's from a very skewed perspective. It would be like reading an account of the French Revolution soley from the point of view of an aristocrat or the American Civil War from the point of view of a Southern slave-owner. If that's how we viewed such events without also hearing the point of view of the Parisian slum-dwellers and the freed black slaves, we would probably see those events too as unmitigated disasters and atrocities.
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    I recall reading somewhere that one of the women who contributed to 'Some of Us', the collected memoirs of Chinese women who grew up during the Cultural Revolution, was on a literary panel a few years ago in Berkley, California, where I believe she now teaches as a women's studies professor. She brought up that she didn't recall the horror stories that you always hear about the Cultural Revolution and that her experiences of that time were positive and uplifting, as both someone from a peasant background and as a woman. The response from someone else on the panel was that some Holocaust survivors were nostalgic about their time in the concentration camps(???). It's like Uppercut said, an astonishing number of people, even on the so-called 'left' are so hooked on anti-communism that they can't bring themselves to say a single positive thing about the revolutions in Russia, China, Vietnam, or Cuba.
  5. View Conversation
    Excellent post on Mao, comrade. It's good to hear from people whose relatives actually lived during Mao's time. Unfortunately, it's difficult to convince others of the good deeds he performed for the party and the workers/peasants. It seems no matter how many facts I provide, they simply get ignored when debating in real life.
  6. sunfarstar
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  7. sunfarstar
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  8. Crux
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    That is why I am a marxist, that is why I am a leninist and that is why I am a trotskyist. We do not intend to do a re-enactment but write a new chapter, following on the previous ones sure, but we are the next act waiting in the wing.
    And sorry, in regards to the LSD, I meant, primarily, to say "socialist" not working class, although I am not a 100% sure what the class composition is as of now.
  9. Crux
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    The League of Social Democrats, while I have much respect for Leung Kwok-Hung, is no yet a genuine working class formation but there are good reasons for us to work towards them. In essence our demand is not for western democracy, western democracy as it is now was, in most cases consolidated and created after the masses had fought and in that crucial moment before this consolidation takes place that is when we have the possibility to use the momentum and strike again. This is in essence the permanent revolution. See, like the french say, the dead keeps grabbing ahold of the living.
    Something that unfortunatly happens when theories are applied is that you get intermingled in a purely historical discussion, and while remembering our history is essential, the marxist theories are not some fixed objects belonging in the past but theories that are meant to applied today.
  10. Crux
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    Well, our central demand is for the working class organizations right to be organized, not bourgeois democracy in general. For obvious reasons. In regards to hong kong we do call for a genuine parliamentary democracy, but this is to be seen as a transistional demand in regards to the current system, where the rich minority are the ones with the most votes, and this is not just in class dominance way but in the actual way in how the system is constructed. So it is this context we raise the damand, as well as attacking the hypocrisy of the liberals in either camp. By pointing out the the workingclass and the youth are the only ones that could force through a genuine democratic reform, we have a demand to manifest people's power and a very tangible and direct victory. Again, as I said, this is a transitional demand. And, of course we also raise demands for worker's control.
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July 23, 1986 (37)
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Young Communist League Canada

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  8. Crux


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