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  1. JPSartre12
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    Mostly it boils down to an evolutionary capitalism-to-socialism approach, but is keenly aware that that will probably end up in a vaguely keynesian, nordic social democracy (like Scandinavia, I'm thinking?), so there needs to be a sort of outside-the-system and people-driven revolution to edge it on. I think Lenin's idea of trade union consciousness is a good argument for a temporary vanguardist organization to help educate, organize, and lead the proletariat.
  2. JPSartre12
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    It would probably take me years to write out my thoughts exactly haha
  3. TheCultofAbeLincoln
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    It's a joke.
  4. The Douche
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    Oh, its from Armed Joy by Alfredo Bonanno.
  5. The Douche
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    What? My name?
  6. Geiseric
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    Well "anti stalinism," means basically the same as rejecting socialism in one country, since it means communists are trying to save the USSR rather than cause a revolution, but Perminant Revolution and Transitional Program are good places to start reading.
  7. Geiseric
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    The post in that thread "what country will revolution happen in first" honestly for a second seemed like Trotsky's transitional program verbatum, where you said how important the U.S. revolution was in relation to the world, and the "militarist anti war movement" bit. You should really read it, it says alot of useful points, such as what revolutionaries need to do in an epoch of crisis, like we're in now.
  8. Geiseric
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    Hey dude, it really looks like you read Trotsky's transitional programme, your posts in that one thread really reflect that book.
  9. Die Neue Zeit
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    Putting my business cap on here, the very specific "business model" that needs to be considered is the non-profit organization that can thrive independently of tax incentives or disincentives.
  10. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Well, the reformist left party DIE LINKE in Germany still has 6% in Parliament and that's pretty much it, the rest is just neo-liberal idiocy. The Left doesn't have a good standing in Germany, the communist movement is splintered with over 6 supposed Communist parties. I fear that the Right will benefit from this crisis in Germany and northern Europe simply because the Corporate and Capitalist media has been pushing all kinds of racist reasons for this crisis, "Lazy Greeks", yeah.... Germany needs a Red Army Faction right now that could make people see that communism is always waiting and about to build a new world, but... nothing yet.
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In capitalism, all people have the right to ownership of productive assets, yet these assets remain concentrated in the hands of an ever-decreasing minority. Such is the product of the market system which perpetuates the growth of asset-intensive firms while strangling those endowed with less. This process grows increasingly unequal by the means by which those well endowed with ownership of assets become well endowed; inheritance.
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