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  1. Remus Bleys
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    No. Seriously questionable what the fuck. Read tghe group description, you don't need to be anti dialectic to be in it.
    And its further clear you have no idea what you are talking about, because when I said I don't accept everything bordiga says you reacted so confused. Typical stalinist, can't understand that uncritically agreeing bass, don't you know the biggest cwith something someone said is unhealthy.
    Finally, dumbass, don't you knoew the biggest criticism bordiga faced was always "he doesn't understand the dialectic".
  2. Remus Bleys
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    I am opposed to raising dialectics as an eternal truth. Which is why I joined that group.
    Please leave me alone. I hate having to deal with your balkanized maoism.
  3. Remus Bleys
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    where did I imply that? No. Seriously. Where did I imply that?

    I've always viewed dialectics and logic as a tool to analyze the world and have always viewed those who put them on a god-like pedestal as idiots.

    hint: most people who subscribe to a tendency don't unconditionally accept everything their (for lack of a better term) founders say.
  4. MarxSchmarx
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    derp still no luck. PM me your email and I'll send you my steam ID. MS
  5. The Garbage Disposal Unit
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    The book is called "Night Vision", and I think it's available on the Kersplebedeb website to read (it's def. there to order). Uh, sorry, have to run right now, can't check.
  6. reb
    If it's as ground breaking as Bill Bland's other stuff then I'm sure I'll be riveted. Have you ever read Capital? You should try it, maybe one day you can call yourself a marxist without irony.
  7. reb
    Jilted lovers just can't stay away, can they? The problem with this is that it's idealistic, the whole notion of revisionism as you present it. It does not account for development at all internally. You can go boo hoo back into your terrible baby blue websites looking for answers but I don't think you'll find anything there.
  8. I'm fairly certain there was a case where Felix had many people executed, who had not been sentenced to death. The story goes that during a meeting, Felix passed a note to Lenin, informing him of a number of prisoners who had been recently arrested. Lenin signed a 'x' and passed the note back. Felix left the meeting and had them executed. What he apparently did not know, was that Lenin used to sign an 'x' just to signify that he had understood the message and didn't have any questions. This in no way lessons Felix's merit during the early years of the revolution, although we obviously have differing opinions of him later on. He also wasn't some psychopath, he personally opposed the death penalty, which is interesting; as did Robespierre. While there may have been some twisted folks in the Cheka, it wouldn't have been the norm, Many of those who were enlisted in it during the early stages of the revolution, went on develop mental health issues and alcoholism.
  9. reb
    lol yeah ok Mr "I'm not a social-democrat". For a Stalinist you sure do use a lot of Trot logic.
  10. reb
    Typical stalinist tropes going on here. One, playing ignorant (or really just being ignorant) and trying to rope everyone they don't like into neat little categories. The reason why you are trots are social-democrats, are because you both support working with parliaments, you both believe in the vanguard of the party and the centrality of the party although neither of you acknowledge the class substitution aspect of it even if your literature says it out right. Which is really funny by the way. And yes, you do believe that you can reform the state and capital into some sort of post capital world that no stalinist has ever been able to elaborate on. I'm actually not sure why you're wanting me to humiliate you constantly. Maybe you just like the attention.

    I don't really care what a couple of individual stalinists are doing with their spare time on the internet to get into long winded arguments. I don't do this with other two bit hacks such as arguing evolution with creationists.
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""Even today Kaganovich is such an ardent supporter of Stalin that no one would dare to say anything derogatory about Stalin in his presence. Among all of us he was a 200 percent Stalinist." - Molotov

"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's bunkers." - Enver Hoxha

fka. Enver "The Bunker" Hoxha


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