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  1. CommunityBeliever
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    I am an actually qualified mathematician. My understanding of a variety of scientific fields mainly comes from the application of mathematical principles. I use differential equations, topology, geometry, etc to understand physics. My main area of expertise is graph theory. I use graph theory to understand the relationships in complex systems, for example, chemical graph theory describes the relationships between atoms in molecules (there is a molecular graph in my profile picture), dataflow graphs describe distributed computation (I mention one of these in the rebel against science blogpost), social graphs describe social relationships such as friendships, etc.
  2. Ismail
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    Well now it's time to read the two books.
  3. Grenzer
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    As with all things, it's complicated since we can agree that the level of class consciousness for spread of international revolution wasn't there: in other words, no matter the doctrine or ideology, it is unlikely socialism could have succeeded. The actual material basis required for the socialist mode of production existed, and has existed for quite some time; the problem is that the conditions for workers to realize this haven't been realized. The degree to which workers are recptive to communism is going to be dependent on the material conditions.
  4. Grenzer
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    It's an interesting topic, but something that we must try to look at dispassionately. The existance of Marxism-Leninism was the result of the failure of international revolution. Overall, I see it as a bad thing because it in effect demoralized the international proletarian movement by: providing an illusory model of socialism; its practical failures provided ample ammunition for the bourgeoisie to use against us. It's also worth noting that it just didn't work, which is probably the most important thing of all.
  5. Ismail
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    I'm not interested in documentaries. Generally the bourgeois narrative in-re Albania is "Hoxha made some industrial and social progress and then isolated his country and ruined whatever he made, and he was the most brutal communist leader in Eastern Europe." I assume the documentary follows that?

    Anyway if you'd like I can send you bourgeois texts about Albanian history in PDF format.
  6. Ismail
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    So, where's your questions about Albania?
  7. electro_fan
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    thanks for the rep
  8. Grenzer
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    You changed your avatar again! I'm not a huge fan of Zizek, but I always did think that quote was fucking funny.
  9. Ismail
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    Ah yes, as spoken by one of Albania's most notable poets, Pashko Vasa, against attempts by Ottoman and Greek ecclesiastical authorities to deny the existence of the Albanian nation. Quite a nice quote. Some people are stupid and think that Hoxha said it out of nowhere, but then they're stupid, so yeah.

    Anyway by 1990 living standards, which had been in more or less continuous decline from the mid-80's onwards, were seen as having gotten to the breaking point. E.g. mines couldn't be tended to anymore because there was no dynamite. The leadership capitulated to imperialism and expelled "hardliners," and the year before that declared that Hoxha had been wrong in characterizing the GDR, etc. as revisionist rather than "socialist." Most of Hoxha's family is still left-wing (his wife Nexhmije said in the mid-90's that she and Enver were always and will always be Marxists and atheists), etc.
  10. Grenzer
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    I thought you would find it entertaining. Everyone knows Juche is the culmination of Marxist-Leninist thought!
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I'm alive. So are you, if you're reading this. Great!
I have an exceptional amount of interests.
Student and merchant of labour power.
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Stalin was a good guy.
CPGB-PCC sympathiser.


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18th July 2012 14:37
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22nd January 2012

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  1. Brosip Tito

    Brosip Tito


  2. Caj


    Internet Hipster

  3. DasFapital



  4. Fennec


    Junior Revolutionary

  5. Geiseric


    Senior Revolutionary

  6. Goblin



  7. GoddessCleoLover


    Senior Revolutionary

  8. Grenzer


    Senior Revolutionary

  9. jookyle


    Groucho Marxist

  10. l'Enfermé



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