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  1. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
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    Regarding "at most times"; the material conditions for revolutionary situations are out of our control, but education, worker activism, propaganda, organization and revolutionary politics to build a reputation for a mass communist party, are not. When a vocal organization constantly propagates its theories for years while drudging workers wave them away for years, but then suddenly a crisis hits to validate those theories, i.e. when workers get their wages cut while banks get billions, this aspiring mass revolutionary party will be a dominant one for workers to got to during crises.
  2. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
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    I agree that a mass party of revolutionary communists is highly unlikely at most times. Without a mass base of communists among the organized proletariat, every degree of revolutionary progress is simply left to per-chance political situations and developments. As the bourgeois parties become increasingly exposed through their pro-capital anti-worker policies for their anti-democratic capitalist allegiance, as the crisis persists and the more bourgeois parties get to show their real counter-revolutionary face - the more agitating revolutionary workers' insurrectionist parties become validated in their theories and become popular. The more workers a revolutionary communist party has as its base, the less hurdles the working class has to take power, the faster we can overthrow the capitalist system.
  3. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
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    Class consciousness is a process, is achieved only through education on the basis of material reality. Everyone can learn, the problem is getting people to join on the education process, and crises/"revolutionary situations" can help validate the marxist doctrine and bare the class system for its antagonisms. Of course the mass party needs to consist of a hierarchy according to class consciousness and experience, which the "inner-circle" renowned speakers speaking to and dialectically discussing with the mass party members to formation of the party line.
  4. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
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    What do you mean by "class conscious"? This is a vague term, workers only become class conscious when they see that their plight is not an individual one but shared with others. This does not happen through spontaneous mass hysteria, but through active work towards education on the work day and dire situation of the international proletariat. In times of "high class consciousness" is a stupid term, class consciousness is attained only through active and constant education. Sure it is easier in times of deteriorating material conditions, crises, and blatant contradiction to quantitatively agitate more workers towards organization class consciousness, but sitting in a room of a proportional minority of class conscious workers and waiting for the "right time" to organize the masses is useless.
  5. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
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    That is what i assumed, what is your disagreement with RMs?
  6. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
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    Aha, i did not think you were into party building.
  7. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
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    So Comrade, i see you have joined the Revolutionary Marxists group?
  8. Absolutely, thanks for the compliment as well. Hopefully my new one will be up soon. I need to get on it, I have been procrastinating for a while.
  9. I have read the manifesto and agree with alot of what was said, however I am still hashing out my views somewhat. I have also been in email contact with them and they are really helping me along in my political development. Willing to set up reading groups as well as let me publish articles for them; I am currently working on my second.
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About Caj

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I am a communist whose main influences include Marx, Engels, Lenin, Luxemburg, Stirner, and Bordiga.
Labor-Power Salesman, Professional (Armchair) Revolutionary

"All immediatists [. . .] want to get rid of society and put in its place a particular group of workers. This group they choose from the confines of one of the various prisons which constitute the bourgeois society of 'free men' i.e. the factory, the trade, the territorial or legal patch. Their entire miserable effort consists in telling the non-free, the non-citizens, the non-individuals [. . .] to envy and imitate their oppressors: be independent! free! be citizens! people! In a word: be bourgeois!" -Amadeo Bordiga, "Fundamentals of Revolutionary Communism"


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    Blake's Baby

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  6. Brosa Luxemburg

    Brosa Luxemburg

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    Brosip Tito


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  9. DiaperGrandpa



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    Abolish wage slavery!

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