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  1. The Cheshire Cat
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    Anti-everything-except-me-cat. I am pretty much the only one she likes. She will tolerate most others, but she always sleeps at my lap when I watch tv or sleep. And if I am not there, she will be at my room. Anyone who tries to stroke her while she does not like that person will get butchered in gruesome ways.

    "What Delenda said was that they act, but their actions are not very significative."

  2. The Cheshire Cat
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    "No, its cool, its was 33º max, 20º min, so it was fine."

    No, that is not fine! 25 degrees max in the midday is acceptable if there is a mild breeze. Otherwise I will reject the weather. I will not agree with anything hotter than 25 degrees.

    "Yes, the teacher will give me a minus in the homework part, which counts as 5% of the end grade."

    Luckily we don't have such a system. Do teachers control the homework at your school?

    "Medal of badassness for defeating a group of fascists with only a baseball bat. "

    Yes, like the jews killing nazi's in Inglorious Bastard (if you have seen it. I do not think it was a great movie, but it had some funny parts and the nazi's were killed in awful ways sometimes. Like when they carve a swastika with a knife in the head of a living captured nazi. Or when they swing (with a bat, not 'swinging' as in dancing) their brains out.
  3. The Cheshire Cat
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    "I tried to invade Autralia once, they have a gigantic fleet, they can strategicaly redeploy their troops to where you are invading and repel all your amphibious assaults."

    I should use paratroopers then. Loads of 'em. And nukes.

    "Some do seem to be like that."

    I know few teachers I like, except for my ex-geology teacher, who is a hippie-like person and was left when he was younger (maybe still) and my previous history-teacher, who is an anarchist and she was the one that introduced me to Bakunin. While I was in Rome with both of my favorite teachers, we sometimes spoke about politics, which I liked. I also showed her this forum and she was going to take a look at it. I do not know wether she is an active member here, since I don't speak her anymore.
  4. The Cheshire Cat
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    "My turn: Hahaha! an anarchist who does not know what platformism is!"

    Well, I knew what it was, but I just never knew the name of it. I saw it in Land and Freedom and I liked it.

    "There you go:"

    Thank you!

    "I do. Total war is the first step towards grand strategy."

    Total war: Rome was the first real game I played I think. I have always loved the Total War series, but I stopped playing it now I know Darkest Hour (which is very hard to play online because it does not work), but I can't wait for Rome Total War 2.
  5. The Cheshire Cat
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    I just read about it on the media, in Lissbao there were a 100.000 protestors according to this source. In Madrid there are also huge demo's, but I think these are organized by unions, as the protestors arrived in 1000 busses and are wearing colored t-shirts accordiding to their proffesions.

    Are the protests near your home?
  6. The Cheshire Cat
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    "I have several saws, axes, big scissors, cleavers, etc."

    And I have a chainsaw, which will have great effects. And an evil cat, who will attack every fascist it sees.

    Also, I have received an answer from a Greek about the anarchist activity in Greece, you might already have seen it, but apparently and sadly the anarchist help is not really welcome. I do not know why yet.
  7. The Cheshire Cat
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    Not at your school?

    "It has reached 3600 singatures."

    Weren't they planning to get 300?

    "I doubt they would actully come after people who sign that."

    Me too. Yet I silently wish they would. Also, it would be awesome to have your picture on RedWatch or something like that. Like winning a medal for your hard work.
  8. The Cheshire Cat
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    Most of the work will be done by Russia, who might already have paratroopers. I will focus on Europe and Asia.

    "From the previous hour until now many things have hapened!"

    They don't really care I think; maybe all teachers are just evil saddistic unhappy persons.

    "The days have been getting fresher, today it is 33º."

    That is awfully hot.

    "I guess so, but I never remember to do homework."

    If you never make your homework at my school, you will get into trouble.
  9. The Cheshire Cat
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    "All is explained."

    You don't like it, I guess?

    "All that with Romenia?"

    Yes, but I got alot of help from Russia. They did more than half the work.

    "Your plan has a critical flaw: it is almost impossible to amphibiously invade a country with strong military. Conquering Australia is near impossible, Canada might be easier, I don't know about the USA though."

    Australia has a good military? Thought it was going to be easy.
  10. The Cheshire Cat
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    "The USA has marines guarding its embassies."

    Marines are useless against rockets! And it was about 50 years ago, I don't know how well guarded embassies were then.

    "I will download it later then."

    I am downloading Libertarias now.

    "That is platformism."

    Oh, okay, never knew that.
Showing Visitor Messages 2501 to 2510 of 3400

About TheRedAnarchist23

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Date of Birth
December 31, 1996 (27)
I am a massive hypocrite!
Computers, COD, and activism.
Political Statement
Anarchist Communism


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5th May 2013 04:56
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17th June 2013 22:50
6th July 2011

20 Friends

  1. AinoAnarchist


    Junior Revolutionary

  2. AnarchistRevolutionary


    Anarcho Syndical Illegalist

  3. Anarcho-Brocialist


    I don't need a Vanguard.

  4. Brutus


    Senior Revolutionary

  5. campesino



  6. Comrade Nasser
  7. DiaperGrandpa



  8. Domela Nieuwenhuis

    Domela Nieuwenhuis

    Mostly just noises

  9. Durruti's friend

    Durruti's friend

    Junior Revolutionary

  10. Goblin



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