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  1. Grenzer
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    "We're socially progressive... really!"
  2. Grenzer
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    After I read that I could have sworn it was Orlov who wrote it for a moment. Quickest way to look like a complete idiot: start throwing the word fascist around
  3. View Conversation

    Check this lunatic out.

    As for the Capital, it makes more sense now, I hope. So, 8 hours of SNLT to create a commodity = 8 hours of value? I'm going to re-read chapters 1-3 once more.
  4. View Conversation
    Some more detail would be nice Thanks.
  5. View Conversation
    Just wondering if you could clear something up for me regarding Capital vol 1, specifically the first 3 chapters. What exactly does Marx mean by value? I don't mean use-value or exchange value, but simply ''value''.
  6. View Conversation
    I personally think it's pretty funny. Ah well, they'll get over it.
  7. View Conversation
    Yeah, the contradictions between the insane and sane communists are getting pretty intense
  8. Grenzer
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    Orlov is pretty much insane. He keeps going on about how we need to support the "national bourgeoisie" and that Maoism-Third Worldism "takes it just a bit farther" than normal Marxism.
  9. Grenzer
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    We checked out the maoist group today.. nothing interest going on there. Just some complaining about users(maoists) being banned for supporting fascism, national socialism, that sort of thing. One of the Stalinist children recently decided to drop Hoxha for Mao, so I imagine the hilarity in there is about to go up.
  10. Grenzer
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    "Are we socially conservative? I hope to fuck we're not."
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The specific economic form, in which unpaid surplus-labour is pumped out of direct producers, determines the relationship of rulers and ruled, as it grows directly out of production itself and, in turn, reacts upon it as a determining element. Upon this, however, is founded the entire formation of the economic community which grows up out of the production relations themselves, thereby simultaneously its specific political form. It is always the direct relationship of the owners of the conditions of production to the direct producers — a relation always naturally corresponding to a definite stage in the development of the methods of labour and thereby its social productivity — which reveals the innermost secret, the hidden basis of the entire social structure and with it the political form of the relation of sovereignty and dependence, in short, the corresponding specific form of the state. This does not prevent the same economic basis — the same from the standpoint of its main conditions — due to innumerable different empirical circumstances, natural environment, racial relations, external historical influences, etc. from showing infinite variations and gradations in appearance, which can be ascertained only by analysis of the empirically given circumstances.


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