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  1. Grenzer
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    I do have my issues with anarchism(namely that I think its infected with idealism and romanticism) but there seems to be little doubt that in many of its forms it can be a proletarian ideology.

    The libertarian vs. authoritarian bullshit is starting to make me groan now.
  2. Grenzer
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    Furthermore, he's a sympathizer of the Spartacist League. They're basically comprised entirely of petit-bourgeois liberals and academia(I know because they are here at my college, and I eve get their paper). Most of them aren't as bad as MH, he seems to take their worst aspects and multiplies them tenfold.

    In addition, they are also staunch supporters of pedophilia and child sex. I've got a number of issues with this, one of which is that I think because of physiological reality, childrens' brains aren't developed to where they really can give consent IMO. It can also be said that by choosing to champion such an issue, they are willfully damaging class struggle but supporting something so extraneous and damaging in public opinion. No to mention I just think it's fucking gross.
  3. Grenzer
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    Indeed. He doesn't really understand anything about imperialism.. or marxist economics for that matter. He blatantly champions Stalinist imperialism claiming that it's "in the class interests of the workers". The arguments he uses to justify it could equally be applied to justify European colonization of Africa, the American invasion of Afghanistan, and many other things.

    He seems to think I'm an anarchist as well. I'm not, but I do take umbrage at his ridiculous slander of that ideology. Marx never said Anarchism was bourgeois(which would be ridiculous), he specifically said that Mutualism was petit-bourgeois. As you may or may not know, Mutualism is more or less entirely discredited among anarchists(mutualism is a restrict able ideology here) and using that strawman is extremely disingenuous to say the least. I just decided.. fuck it.
  4. Grenzer
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    So you consider yourself a full on Bordigist now? That's cool, I've been heavily leaning that way myself. I think the only thing I can say that I really disagree with Bordiga on is national liberation struggles(he was for them).
  5. Brosa Luxemburg
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    Lol, "Bordiga was the man".

    Why would the party system be more efficient than the council system, in your analogy, as the "central government".
  6. View Conversation
    damn comrade i didn't know that being a leftcom had such a rigorous qualifying process
  7. Brosa Luxemburg
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    What do you like about Bordiga?
  8. Brosa Luxemburg
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    Do you support the party's decisions on what/how much to produce based on democratic ways through the council system? I wouldn't consider that council autonomy. Why wouldn't the party=state if you are for a one-party state? Again, I realize over the internet that it is hard to see emotion but I am not being confrontational.
  9. Brosa Luxemburg
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    What should the councils be able to decide then, in your view? What should the party (and I am assuming in continuation of this logic the state) decide?
  10. Brosa Luxemburg
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    So, do you support worker's councils at all or not. Do you support the party making decisions and then giving them to the workers? What does the party being efficient have to do with a one-party state that bans other political parties and organizations? I am not trying to sound confrontational, I am just trying to understand where you come from.
    I think you are a Bordiga-oriented left communist, am I right?
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