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  1. FriendlyLocalViking
    View Conversation
    I'm glad you enjoy my posts! Politics is always better with a smile!
  2. View Conversation
    Thanks, comrade.
  3. Qayin
    Hows Chicago comrade?
    I'm from Buffalo Grove originally and moved about Chicago quite a bit back in the day
  4. sunfarstar
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    hi....frined.i am in SHANGHAI.welcome you to shanghai EXPO!
  5. Qayin
  6. RedStarOverChina
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    Yes, as the French used to say, a month of revolution is less bloody than a week of reaction. That's particularly true in China's case.

    Also, Wild Swans is an incredibly dishonest book, I wouldn't recommend anything written by Jung Chang. Jung Chang's parents were not Bourgeoisie (otherwise she wouldnt have been accepted as a Red Guard), they were important party cadres like my maternal grandpa. Also like my grandpa, they were indeed persecuted. But the fact was, Jung Chang HERSELF perpentrated much injustice against others during the CR as a Red Guard, and then lied about it in her book. I don't think I've ever come across any other writer as disingenuous as Jung Chang.
  7. RedStarOverChina
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    The sufferings during the Culture Revolution were magnified, sometimes even fabricated mostly because it was the intelletuals, the elite as well as the current ruling class who suffered. They could write about it and tell the story, whereas the poor had no such luxury. The horrendous lives poor people suffered from before 1949 are marginalized, because few of them could write about it.

    So basically when the poor suffers, no one notices it. But when the rich gets even the slightest taste of suffering they will kick and scream and make sure everyone knows how hard it has been for them.

    That's just not fair.
  8. RedStarOverChina
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    It takes some very brainwashed panel members to imagine the whole of China to be like Nazi concentration camps. There were excesses during the Culture Revolution, to be sure. But people more or less targeted the "cream" of the society, the elite, higher level party cadres, etc. The average peasants or workers were relatively safe.

    My maternal grandpa was a target: he was the vice-mayor in my hometown as well as the editor-in-chief of the local party newspaper. Students stormed his office and put him under citizens arrest. He attempted suicide. But the rest of my family were relatively safe.

    My paternal grandfather was classified as a "landlord" (he never owned an inch of land) which was not a desirable title. But because he was not privileged in any way, he managed to avoid persecutions.
  9. Scary Monster
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    Heyy man whats up! Wow so you were born in egypt huh? How is living over there compared to the US? And i see you do cartooning. I love to draw also! But i only sketch every once in a while. Nothing as invested as cartooning might be :P
  10. Qayin
    Also Autonomism
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About Barry Lyndon

Basic Information

Date of Birth
October 21
I was born in Cairo, Egypt and have lived in the United States for the last 10 years.
Chicago, IL, USA
Cartooning, Biking, History, Politics
College student
Political Statement
Independent Marxist: influenced by anarcho-syndicalism, Leninism, Trotskyism, Maoism, Castroism, Third Worldism, and Bolivarianism.
Hostile to Stalinism, Hoxhaism, Juche, Social Democrats, Liberalism, Conservatism, Libertarianism, and of course Fascism.
Anti-Clericalist, personally an atheist but supportive of the religious Left.

US imperialism out of Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Colombia!
Free Palestine!
Support the revolutions in Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Nepal!
Victory to the workers of Greece! Abolish the IMF!
Down with the racist Arizona immigrant bill!
Not affiliated


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