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    I think I have a Man crush on you
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    i replied in the unite thread
  3. ckaihatsu
    [I'm] of the position that a post-capitalist system of abstracted material valuations -- if any -- should *not* represent / be transferable for actual material items. Instead, with all goods and services, assets and resources being *collectivized*, the material domain would be basically freely available, like nature itself, though mediated through a collective-political process.
  4. ckaihatsu
    What's always at issue is human *labor* -- *that's* what I think should be the 'independent variable' to be qualified and quantified as well as possible, to serve as the determining source of all other political and economic activity in a post-capitalist social environment. In my conception (accessible as a model at my blog entry) self-selected actions of freely given liberated labor would entitle the laborer to, in turn, authorize the same from others, going forward, in a like proportionate quantity.
  5. ckaihatsu
    Since all of the material proceeds (goods and services) from such liberated labor effort would already have been pre-planned by the larger collective-political process, the output of all liberated labor would always be *collectivized* and *not* under the control of any individual liberated laborer, or grouping of liberated laborers. Therefore there would be no need for the abstract valuation of material items (goods and services) whatsoever -- only the co-administration of them as collective assets and resources according to their basic physical properties.
  6. Sixiang
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    Nice information you got there.
  7. ckaihatsu
    communist supply & demand -- Model of Material Factors

    Rotation system of work roles
  8. ckaihatsu
    - [The rotation system is specifically geared towards the structure of a communist society because] both models require an economy and society that is post-commodity-production, with fully collectivized means of mass industrial production. This would enable people to produce at-will for human need instead of for commodity production, for the generation of private profits. A liberated labor would be free of duress for the basics of life and living this way since it would be self-liberated from having to produce for commodity production. Everything produced from collectivized implements would be for distribution to satisfy human need, and nothing else.
  9. ckaihatsu
    - I hesitate to proclaim the rotation system as being capable of being fully scaled-up to provide a comprehensive framework for all of post-capitalist society. [T]here would quickly be larger-scale political issues that would arise that might be too "top-down", or broad-ranging, for the simplistic rotation system to handle. That's why I advocate the 'communist supply & demand -- Model of Material Factors' as a more-flexible system for a population of millions and billions. The rotation system could be used *within* the larger system, limited to relatively small-scale, local work groups of like-minded participants.
  10. ckaihatsu
    - [K]now-how itself -- as for the medical field or whatever -- would be fully collectivized as well -- think of it as 'collective intelligence'. Unfortunately, today, "intelligence" is hyper-compartmentalized and hyper-individuated due to the commodification of labor (people) itself, so that everyone is measured, sized-up, tracked, etc., as the commodities we've been made into. Once freed from this need for labor commodification-individuation we would be able to simply task the relevant know-how to the situation at hand, among those most interested and affected, with a minimum of abstracted material tracking.
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About ckaihatsu

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[1] The sun shines down at just the right intensity -- neither too little or too much -- to force an intricate interplay of organic materials animated by the sun's energy. The living processes build up to higher levels of nestedness, interdependence, and complexity. The abundance of available food and source materials -- varying depending on location and era -- allows each organism ample time outside of securing necessities to become increasingly aware and conscious of greater depths of complexity in the external (and internal) world(s). Greater consciousness yields greater abilities and at some point humanity began to procure more food than it could consume in realtime. This development gave rise to a separation of roles in society whereby some could spend more time increasing their awareness while others worked to produce the food for all of society. Those relieved of having to work rationalized themselves as somehow different and better than all other people, and explained their privilege by inventing fictional supernatural beings, or a single supernatural being, who conveniently backed up their reasoning. They consolidated their privileged social position with the use of violent physical force, which the fictional supernatural beings or being said was okay. Meanwhile the rest of humanity has either been working or trying to enjoy their more-or-less similar physical existence as everyone else. Much time and effort, though, is unrecoverably lost due to the existence of those in privileged positions.

[2] I am personally *not* in a privileged position.

[3] Therefore it is in my own best personal interest to co-produce a social world that is relieved of the class division.

[4] Therefore I am a Marxist and active at



The Soul of Man under Socialism by Oscar Wilde


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