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  1. Prinskaj
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    Well, the situation here is very grim to be honest. I knew that they were reformist when i joined, but it has just been unbearable in the last half year. Right now they are starting the process to rewriting the party principle program and if they remove as much as ONE mention of means of production or revolution, then I am out.
    But what is almost as bad, is the fact that the media portrays them as this radical and extremist party, when in reality they are merely centrist.
  2. Die Neue Zeit
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    Thanks for clarifying on the Third World, comrade. When I float the First World buzzwords bureaucracy-as-process and revolutionary careerism, they have caused and can still cause quite a stir.
  3. Die Neue Zeit
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    "Weird hybrid Stalinism," eh?

    About pre-WWI social democracy and First World revolutionary strategy, what "a lot of what he says that I think even folks in the self-described "Revolutionary Marxist" tendency would disagree with" are you referring to?
  4. Red Commissar
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    Yeah, you are lucky you had come into revleft already developed. There's a lot of users who come here to try and learn more. I'm not knocking the site- I've learned alot here and it's a good place for me to meet with likeminded people which is helpful when I'm busy. However I find sometimes these tendency things can get overdone, and honestly I think we should be easier on newcomers. It's annoying when people chew out a noob for holding some liberal views or what ever, it's not like they were perfect when they came onto these forums. I mean look at our introduction forum- how many people have stuck around?
  5. Grenzer
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    That sounds good! We'd be ready to start in the middle of December. I've been pretty busy with my University work so I don't have an opportunity to really give the text the in depth analysis it deserves until then. What format should we do this in?
  6. View Conversation
    Lol, yeah..the group creator is gearing it towards opposing the renegade Kautsky. I told him to change the name, as it's pretty misleading and will confuse newcomers.
  7. View Conversation
    Ha yea. Funny how so many Chomskyite sorts reject Leninism because it's "aothoritarian!!!!!!" without having read state and revolution or what is to be done.
  8. View Conversation
    Yes, I did decide to join them as they felt like a solid group to me. We've actually been gaining some new interest with the Alan Woods speaking tour and all, so things are looking good. The CWI is also trying to start an organization around here, so if that takes off I might get involved with them as well. Only problem is that the two groups are kind of opposed to each other for dumb traditional reasons.
  9. View Conversation
    Yes of course. I don't know why I wrote "Bukharin" instead of "Zinoviev", it's practically impossible to confuse the two. As far as I know, the whole "Trotskyism or Leninism?" stuff started in 1924 and 1925. Zinoviev started it mostly, but Kamenev contributed too. Check this and this out if you're interested. Bukharin raised the cry against "Trotskyism" in 1924 too("The Theory of Permanent Revolution"), thought he didn't became the main bearer of the anti-"Trotskyist" banner until 1926 or so.
  10. View Conversation
    Check out Q's new thread in the Weekly Worker Reader's Group comrade, it has potential.
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New Jersey
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"If communism means anything at all, it means the radical eruption of democracy. Bursting its present narrow political confines, where it is allowed to hold truncated and partly illusory sway, democracy is to engulf all spheres of social life."

~Moshe Machover, "Collective Decision-Making and Supervision in a Communist Society"

" I swear the neighbours must have heard the facepalm I just made."

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