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  1. Grenzer
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    Seems kind of ironic that some Lenin fanboys are deriding your ideas as "authoritarian".
  2. Grenzer
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    Agent of Roman Imperialism?! Imperialism wouldn't even exist yet until more than a thousand years after Caesar died. It looks like some people were eager to apply inappropriate(not to mention anachronistic) logic in that thread.
  3. Grenzer
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    What does Miles think the appropriate strategy for India should be? I'm curious, but I didn't want to subvert the thread on Vietnam any further.

    I think it's an important question of strategy, one that isn't going to go away in the near future. TWCS seems to have been the only serious attempt to tackle it, though some might say that Permanent Revolution is an appropriate substitute.
  4. Grenzer
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    Just wondering if you knew of any resources on Lassallianism. You and Q have mentioned it several times recently, and I've read the Critique of the Gotha Programme, but I don't think this explored the the phenomenon of "Lassallianism" in sufficient detail.
  5. Grenzer
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    Yup, I understand. I posted a new discussion in the Revolutionary Marxists user group; I think it could turn out to be a productive discussion.
  6. Q
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  7. Grenzer
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    If you like RoTK, you might like Paradox strategy games, have you ever tried any of those?

    There's a particularly fun 19th century geo-political simulator called Victoria 2. Interestingly enough communists can come to power through parliamentary means, if such parties are legalized. I've personally never seen that happen.. it seems like insurrections are the more common way they come to power.
  8. Grenzer
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    I started reading revolutionary strategy by the way, so far I think it's very interesting. I really like the iconoclastic attitude of the comrades over at the CPGB, it takes a lot of guts to call for a joint party of revolutionary and non-revolutionary tendencies. It seems to me that the intent is not reformism, but to gain the support and numbers to become a credible political force and radicalize the non-revolutionaries. Of course most people are so dogmatic and have such a knee-jerk reaction to anything that they don't like that they'll never even see that possibility. Who knows, it could work.

    You do seem like the type for dry, tedious strategy games. I guess we have that in common.
  9. Grenzer
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    The former. I'm surprised you've heard of either, they're pretty obscure.
  10. Grenzer
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    So in essence, that should give a brief overview of my views and reconcile the seeming paradox of supporting theories and movements which are in some ways opposed to my own political views..
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Eisenach, Gotha, & Erfurt
The revolutionary merger of Marxism with the worker-class movement, strategically and linguistically
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"It would be nearer the mark - though still wrong - to accuse me of being a [...] Kautskyite [...] In fact, overt [... ]Kautskyism would be a move to the left and an improvement in the politics of the [...] far left." (Mike Macnair)
Sympathizer re.: Communistisch Platform, WPA, and CPGB (PCC)
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"A new centrist project does not have to repeat these mistakes. Nobody in this topic is advocating a carbon copy of the Second International (which again was only partly centrist)." (Tjis, class-struggle anarchist)

"A centrist strategy is based on patience, and building a movement or party or party-movement through deploying various instruments, which I think should include: workplace organising, housing struggles [...] and social services [...] and a range of other activities such as sports and culture. These are recruitment and retention tools that allow for a platform for political education." (Tim Cornelis, left-communist)


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