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  1. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Well, i am in fact as well not so much into worker councils. I am simply for workers controlling their surplus, having somekind of democratic handle over their boss. For instance, workers could meet with the planners 2 to three times a year and plan what to do with their surplus. Basically for them to become their own board of directors, that can then select their consumed communist class positions such as managers, service employees etc.
    This is very important to me to make the working class take over the social position in production from the capitalist class; hence my name.
  2. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Ok, i do not understand this completely. I agree we can't get rid of and competition within a few hours, but what do you think about worker councils or something of the sort?
  3. Valdyr
    View Conversation
    Ah okay, saw your post in my thread. Thanks for the help!
  4. Valdyr
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    Oh well, thanks anyway. I posted a thread asking about it in the economics forum. My opponent in a discussion is citing Collective Farming in Russia by Roy Laird in support of the figure that kolkhozy were 3% of the land (presumably he means the land allocated to agriculture, I doubt he'd make THAT obvious a mistake) area but produced 20% of the agricultural output.

    Is there anyone in particular on these forums I should direct myself to with a specialty in this? I confess I don't use this site much.
  5. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Why are you for a market Socialism? I honestly despise markets, but i acknowledge that some form of markets will exist so long there is money and capitalism.
  6. Rafiq
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    I've always been one to think they were weak and lost in correspondence with the 21st century, but I don't read their newspapers or whatever
  7. Valdyr
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    Hi, I was reading old posts and saw your discussion of the sovkhozy vs. the kolkhozy in the history forum. I'm in a discussion involving this now, and I was wondering what your source was re. the higher productivity per acre of the sovkhozy?

    Thanks in advance
  8. Grenzer
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    I knew you weren't american, it was in response to this

    'What does one say when someone who isn't involved in union struggles knows about fare strike tactics and suggests such (and programmatically, too), while someone else who is deep in the union trenches doesn't know about this?'

    If someone who is deeply involved in union work, but didn't know basic tactics, I would assume that they are American because our unions are pretty terrible and weak.
  9. Grenzer
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    Well that's the thing, no one is interested in having constructive conversation. Though it doesn't seem to be completely useless, as there have been passive onlookers which have chipped in privately but didn't feel confident enough to speak out publicly.

    There is a need for an expanded Marxist vocabulary. The existing vocabulary is really quite limited. The kind of hostility some people have displayed towards you is primarily a reflection of their inability to defend the bankruptcy of their positions.
  10. Grenzer
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    I would probably say, "I assume you're American?"
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Eisenach, Gotha, & Erfurt
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"It would be nearer the mark - though still wrong - to accuse me of being a [...] Kautskyite [...] In fact, overt [... ]Kautskyism would be a move to the left and an improvement in the politics of the [...] far left." (Mike Macnair)
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"A centrist strategy is based on patience, and building a movement or party or party-movement through deploying various instruments, which I think should include: workplace organising, housing struggles [...] and social services [...] and a range of other activities such as sports and culture. These are recruitment and retention tools that allow for a platform for political education." (Tim Cornelis, left-communist)


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