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  1. Brosa Luxemburg
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    Pretty good, haven't been on too much lately, balancing school, work, social life, etc.
  2. View Conversation
    Only ultra-lefts take it out of context though. It's just Marx and Engels mocking the idealism of the Hegelians and Owen's and Fourier's conception of socialism as a "good idea" divorced from material reality. Anyway, from Marx and Engels' other writings, especially the published ones(only small parts of the German Ideology manuscript were published by the German Social-Democracy, Riazanov prepared the whole thing for publishing only by 1932), deal with this issue and what we there is more in line with our own views.

    The quote is somewhat similar to Bernstein's ultimate expression of opportunism, but only on a first superficial glance, imo.
  3. Ive never really used the blog function all that much, I wouldn't know what to write to be honest.
  4. How come?
  5. commieathighnoon
    View Conversation
    i am employed at UPS thank you very much and stage productions, thank you very much
  6. Zeus the Moose
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    My disagreements with you are not about First World revolutionary strategy or 19th century social democracy, it's about Third World revolutionary strategy (Caesarian Socialism.)
  7. Flying Purple People Eater
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    Sorry for the late reply! I'm usually slow to respond to people on forums; it's not that I ignore them, but I often don't have the time to respond with much detail - something I'd usually prefer to do.

    I do think It's a little weird how one could displace their earlier beliefs because of said beliefs' dogmatism, and then go on to describe themselves as a Bordigist. However, I'm not really one to judge. My studies on marxism have pretty much ground down to a halt due to me putting all of my focus into learning a certain language by next year, so I'm not too sure how to respond to the political arguments on the boards at the moment.

    Oh, and thanks for the welcome to the group!
  8. bad ideas actualised by alcohol
    Thanks for the friend invite.
  9. View Conversation
    I'm already aware of the arguments and counter-arguments, but your posts show that, in conclusion, you support the aforementioned positions on slavery. The onus is on you to either dis-prove these allegations, or prove you don't believe in what is now etched in internet history.
  10. Rafiq
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    Although I am far from surprised by Black Magick Hustla's opposition to Orthodox Marxism, he has brought up several allegations against you which I can only hope are nothing short of slanderous distortions of what your actual position constitute as. According to BMH you have demonstrated theoretical support for collaboration with the police against Anarchists, and labor cuts on behalf of the bourgeois state. And while I will do nothing but ignore his allegations on your support for forced labor for counter revolutionaries (something which I am indifferent towards), these allegations are of quite a serious nature.
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Eisenach, Gotha, & Erfurt
The revolutionary merger of Marxism with the worker-class movement, strategically and linguistically
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"It would be nearer the mark - though still wrong - to accuse me of being a [...] Kautskyite [...] In fact, overt [... ]Kautskyism would be a move to the left and an improvement in the politics of the [...] far left." (Mike Macnair)
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"A new centrist project does not have to repeat these mistakes. Nobody in this topic is advocating a carbon copy of the Second International (which again was only partly centrist)." (Tjis, class-struggle anarchist)

"A centrist strategy is based on patience, and building a movement or party or party-movement through deploying various instruments, which I think should include: workplace organising, housing struggles [...] and social services [...] and a range of other activities such as sports and culture. These are recruitment and retention tools that allow for a platform for political education." (Tim Cornelis, left-communist)


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  2. AmericanRed


    Optimist of the Will

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  7. Astarte



  8. ¿Que?



  9. bad ideas actualised by alcohol

    bad ideas actualised by alcohol

    Partyist Time, Excellent

  10. Bandito



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