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  1. I assume as a Maoist, you support Stalin. Apart from "Ismail" you seem to be one of the only active pro-Stalin people, and I'm intrigued to know why you hold this position; not because I hold a necessarily anti-Stalin one, but most of the information I have on him shows him to be somewhat bad and not at all a Leninist or a Marxist. I don't mind some of Mao's ideas, but Mao seemed to like Stalin too and I can't get my head around that (or Socialism In One Country for that matter). I've heard some Maoists exist that dislike Stalin but that would seem to contradict Mao anyway; what do you think of Stalin as a communist? It's just that I struggle to see him as such for pursuing intranationalism and killing ("purging") anyone who didn't fit his narrow line of views.

    Some of that might sound passive-aggressive but it's not. I am merely looking for answers.

    -Communist Mutant From Outer Space
  2. View Conversation
    I'm not actually learning german, I say I will learn, I buy some good book on the matter, learn a dozen of words and stop learning. I have three books already, so you can guess three cycles were made.
    I have to wait for the end of the year, so I have some months to really boom my german (Or turtle it, if you get the RTS reference)
  3. View Conversation
    Hi. Out of interest, are you a third worldist?
  4. cyu
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    Thanks Jacob - you must have some magic power to get me to thank a Stalinist xD
  5. mushroompizza
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    Can you get me banned?
  6. StromboliFucker666
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  7. StromboliFucker666
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    Hey I noticed that you are a Maoist. If I wanted to learn more about Maoism where should I start? I find myself intrigued by the certain parts and want to learn more.
  8. Lensky
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    I have nothing insightful or well researched to post about . . . I don't have the time recently to commit myself to theory, so I learn what I can on this forum by reading my favourite posters. It's turning me into a regurgitator, but at least I can be humble with my shortcomings. I'm not enamoured with 20th century communist politics anymore, and my old marxist-leninist-maoist posts seem absolutely naive to me. Thanks for checking up on me though :P
  9. The Intransigent Faction
    Sorry, you remind me of an older user and I may have forgotten that you probably haven't seen my older posts.

    No, I'm not, but I've read Mao as well as about the history of Maoist China. I was a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist in high school (I even met members of the RCP of Canada), so that really influenced my political development as a radical leftist, but nowadays I consider myself a Libertarian Socialist. I have objections to Maoism, but I still think it's important to keep the historical record straight amidst the library of distortions and half-truths about Maoist China.
  10. Sinister Intents
    I don't think I have international but my phone bill is coming up so I'll pay the 15 more in a week
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About Comrade Jacob

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Date of Birth
March 4
I am alive and have been for years and I will probably continue to live for years doing stuff.
Da You Kay
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Male, Other


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15th December 2015 20:09
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24th January 2016 22:14
23rd July 2013

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  1. Roach


    To exist is to resist.

  2. ShadowStar


    Junior Revolutionary

  3. Sinister Intents

    Sinister Intents

    Sinister Revolutionist

  4. Snard


    Illegal Growth Hormone

  5. Soviet Aggression

    Soviet Aggression

    Junior Revolutionary

  6. The Intransigent Faction

    The Intransigent Faction

    Tendency: Marxiavellian

  7. TheGodlessUtopian


    Queer Liberationist Maoist

  8. The_Southern_Leftist


    Junior Revolutionary

  9. Tim Cornelis

    Tim Cornelis


  10. Trap Queen Voxxy

    Trap Queen Voxxy

    jE SuI$ FrANçAi$

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