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  1. Ismail
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    As I said, before I was a Communist I was a liberal. I wasn't a Trotskyist or anything like that beforehand.
  2. Ismail
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    1. I developed an interest in Albania during 2005-2006. I read the works of Enver Hoxha and found them agreeable.
    2. I'd say I was a "Hoxhaist" by late 2007. The only concern I had was that I felt maybe he went "too far" in criticizing Mao as an anti-Marxist and whatnot. Then I actually researched Maoism more and found that Hoxha's criticisms were sound. Before being a Communist I was a liberal.
    3. I read books and articles. My first book on Albania was purchased in 2006, A Coming of Age: Albania under Enver Hoxha by James S. O'Donnell which is, in fact, the best introduction to the country during his leadership.
    4. No, although I have a number of travelers' accounts and have spoken to older persons who knew those who visited.
    5. No, but I do intend to learn it one day. There are many interesting works that were never translated into English, like an analysis of the Chinese revolution and how it was bourgeois-democratic rather than proletarian in nature.
  3. Brutus
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    I'll check now.
  4. View Conversation
    Paganism is really to broad of a subject, so in someone else's definition I may be, I don't know, but I do find the culture of many of the variants to be interesting because of how they have heavily effected my countries pre-Christian history and traditions that we practice today.
  5. View Conversation
    I don't think Hussein did in my opinion.
  6. View Conversation
    It has it's good points but doesn't believe in getting rid of ALL private property.
  7. Consistent.Surprise
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    It's a slight take on Dorothy Parker's "Don't look at me in that tone of voice" :P
  8. Tolstoy
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    Anarchism and Communism are something I go back and forth on simply because im very agnostic regarding the state.

    My views regarding Pantheism is simply that whatever god is, it seems far more likely that it is something far greater than a man and that no sytem of thought developed by men could truly explain the true order of the universe, thus necessitating my meditative trances to try and discover how I feel about these things
  9. Brutus
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    Ja. I see you're friends with Liberlict, so check his friends list for someone with this picture ( and with the first name Reece.
  10. Brutus
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    Yup. Thought I'd seen that name before...
Showing Visitor Messages 631 to 640 of 645

About Remus Bleys

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Date of Birth
December 18, 1996 (27)
Apparently Denmark
quantum mechanics and general relativity
Political Statement
Male, Female, Other
Bordiga Society of North America

"We must flee from Time, we must create a life that is feminine and human - it is these imperative objectives that must guide us in this world heavy with catastrophes."
Jacques Camatte, Echos from the Past

"For example, to say that the relation between industrial capital and the class of the wage workers is expressed in precisely the same way in Belgium and Thailand, and that the praxis of their respective struggles should be established without taking into account in either of the two cases the factors of race or nationality, does not mean you are an extremist, but it means in effect that you have understood nothing of Marxism."
Amadeo Bordiga, Factors of Race and Nation in the Marxist Analysis


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1st March 2016 18:16
6th July 2013

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  1. Alan OldStudent

    Alan OldStudent

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    Arise opressed of the Earth

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    Asian Nationalist

  6. bad ideas actualised by alcohol

    bad ideas actualised by alcohol

    Partyist Time, Excellent

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    long live anarchy

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    Blake's Baby

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