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  1. Idk I was curious about it because Albert Einstein supported it. So I was curious about what it actually was.
  2. Brotto Rühle
    View Conversation
    Of course. If there's any questions you'd like answered about stuff though, feel free to ask.
  3. Brotto Rühle
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    Right on. It's always best to read Marx. That's where these ideas stem from, be they left communism, council communism, Trotskyism, Marxist-Humanism, or whatever. Marx is key, and I have a few works of his that are definitely something you should read. Just hit me up when you finish the council communist stuff.
  4. Brotto Rühle
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    If you don't mind me asking, how much Marx have you read?
  5. Brotto Rühle
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  6. Vireya
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    I don't find that a non-market system can support an modern economy. How would you go about producing goods and compensating the labor of the workers?
  7. Brotto Rühle
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    Council communists reject the idea of a vanguard party, and parties in general. Instead, they emphasize the formation of workers councils and see them as the revolutionary organs of the proletariat.

    If you're interested in learning more I have a few works you might want to check out.
  8. Brotto Rühle
    View Conversation
    Council communists reject the idea of a vanguard party, and parties in general. Instead, they emphasize the formation of workers councils and see them as the revolutionary organs of the proletariat.

    If you're interested in learning more I have a few works you might want to check out.
  9. Brotto Rühle
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    Otto Rühle. He was a German revolutionary socialist, member of the Spartakusbund, and council communist.
  10. EdvardK
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    I'm not sure what you define as "Titoist"? I'm first and foremost for a (socio-economic political) system in which the vast majority of people would truly enjoy living in, have a high standard of living, and would share the values of brotherhood and unity.
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About Remus Bleys

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Date of Birth
December 18, 1996 (27)
Apparently Denmark
quantum mechanics and general relativity
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Male, Female, Other
Bordiga Society of North America

"We must flee from Time, we must create a life that is feminine and human - it is these imperative objectives that must guide us in this world heavy with catastrophes."
Jacques Camatte, Echos from the Past

"For example, to say that the relation between industrial capital and the class of the wage workers is expressed in precisely the same way in Belgium and Thailand, and that the praxis of their respective struggles should be established without taking into account in either of the two cases the factors of race or nationality, does not mean you are an extremist, but it means in effect that you have understood nothing of Marxism."
Amadeo Bordiga, Factors of Race and Nation in the Marxist Analysis


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    Alan OldStudent

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    Arise opressed of the Earth

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    Asian Nationalist

  6. bad ideas actualised by alcohol

    bad ideas actualised by alcohol

    Partyist Time, Excellent

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    long live anarchy

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    Blake's Baby

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