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  1. One is Zuko
  2. Huh?
  3. RevLeft can use a little bit of cartoon homoeroticism.
  4. Thanks
  5. Vireya
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    I'm not a homophobe. It's best to take each issue in isolation, and not make assumptions based on mainstream politics.

    I find prochoice to be incompatible with my views, I'll leave it at that.

    Why do I prefer mutualism over communism? For one it is market based, which is superior are resource distribution and production. Also it doesn't eliminate currency as a medium of exchange and labor remuneration.
  6. Vireya
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    Premarital sex increases the percentage of STD infections, unwanted pregnancy, increases the amount of women seeking abortions, destabilizes families.

    No, a socialist government wouldn't rape subdued territories, it'd simply reorganize it and then incorporate it.

    Well, my current outlook on socialism is intermediate between my own former third positionists views and those of anarcho-syndicalist acquaintances of mine. I will admit it has a passing semblance to Mutualism, since I essentially believe in a synthesis of market socialism and syndicalism. Thought I do have some influences from anarchism, I'm still rather statist in comparison to people here.

    Anti-gay? How am I anti-gay?

    No, I'm not religious (though, I'm a pantheist), I abhor organized religion in general. And beyond being sex negative, I wouldn't consider myself very rightwing at all.
  7. Vireya
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    I consider proper sexuality to be only sex within a committed relationship, anything else is unacceptable.

    The Russians weren't serious socialists, they were charlatans. I am an avid socialist, and I don't feel coercion should be cast out as a means of reorganizing the world into a completely socialist civilization.
  8. Vireya
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    Lol, you're the only poster here that knows about that part of my thoughts. I was restricted for my position on abortion alone.

    But yes, I'm not opposed to forcing socialism through coercion and military action.
  9. Vireya
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    "what you are arguing for sounds like imperialism.
    How is "modern sexuality" (which has always been practiced, were just hushhush about it) unhealthy or destructive? You got some solid evidence backing you up?
    And what's with the hostility towards communism?"

    I'm not opposed to imperialism to accomplish the goals of socialism. If it can be used to destroy capitalism and liberalism, so be it

    Whether it has always been so or not, the human obsession with sex is unacceptable and should be stopped. I had a source for how immodest sexual mores are harmful. I'll have to find it again.

    I find communism to be unrealistic, utopian, and primitivistic. Other than respecting it as part of socialist theory, I have no love for communism.
  10. Vireya
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    "What do you mean under US control...?
    Why are you a nationalist? What's so appealing in this shithole country?
    By market syndicalism do you mean mutualism?
    And what do you mean by sex positivity? Is this some form of fundie christianity that makes you prudish??"

    What's so appealing about the US? Well, no matter how shitty it is here, it's much better than the other shitholes on their best day. As for what I mean by US control, is that I believe the world's nations should federate under the leadership of our government ( preferably willingly, but by force if necessary) after a successful socialist revolution here.

    Mutualism, not quite, though my preferences are similar enough to that to the point I'm not hostile to it. (Unlike I am towards communism)

    No, my "prudishness" isn't grounded in Christianity, but simply from the fact I find modern sexual openness and promiscuity to be destructive and unhealthy.
Showing Visitor Messages 621 to 630 of 645

About Remus Bleys

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Date of Birth
December 18, 1996 (27)
Apparently Denmark
quantum mechanics and general relativity
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Male, Female, Other
Bordiga Society of North America

"We must flee from Time, we must create a life that is feminine and human - it is these imperative objectives that must guide us in this world heavy with catastrophes."
Jacques Camatte, Echos from the Past

"For example, to say that the relation between industrial capital and the class of the wage workers is expressed in precisely the same way in Belgium and Thailand, and that the praxis of their respective struggles should be established without taking into account in either of the two cases the factors of race or nationality, does not mean you are an extremist, but it means in effect that you have understood nothing of Marxism."
Amadeo Bordiga, Factors of Race and Nation in the Marxist Analysis


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