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  1. I've already produced the hard evidence, robbo dearest, in the original thread, including the article where SPGB explicitly refuses to call even for gay rights (let alone gay liberation). Or the revolting article where the SPGB author tries to kiss up to forced-birth freaks. All you had to offer in response was a - theatre review. Good, I imagine the Workers' Reactionary Party own C. Redgrave might have written about the same play, I guess the WRP aren't homophobes now. Oh, but you've always been outspoken in your attacks on homophobia. So outspoken, dear robbo, that there is no record of you even mentioning the oppression of gay people. Does lying ever get tiring?
  2. robbo203
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    Yup, of course anyone with "two functioning eyes" can see what the SPGB has to say on the matter, Point is WHAT does the SPGB have to say on the matter as opposed to what you a fantasist of the first order have to say the SPGB says on the matter. You are very coy when it comes to producing hard evidence aren't you? Its all bluster and bravura with you. And you are hypocrite calling me gutless when I have not shirked in defending my corner. So here 's the challenge to you - go to the SPGB forum and repeat there what you have dishonestly said to me here. Do you have the balls to take up that challenge, I wonder? Lets see who is the one left "squirming" at the end of the day.
  3. All of this has been dealt with before - the SPGB (and don't give me that "Im not a member of the SPGB" guff, your distance from them is approximately the same as my distance from the ICL) literature states what it states, and everyone with two functioning eyes or a good text-to-speech system can see what it is. The fact that you continue to defend that joke of a group is evidence enough of where you stand. It is amusing to see you squirm, although I don't know why. Having trouble admitting to yourself what you are, old boy? Not my problem either way.
  4. robbo203
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    Apart from lying through your teeth you are an inventive fantasist of the first order. You havent got a clue what you're gabbling on about most of the time: "the SPGB's homophobic line" Oh fuck off, you idiot. Im not a member of the SPGB but if you had the balls to venture onto the SPGB 's forum to make that claim you would be torn to shreds for such an outrageous slander. However, I guess having called me "gutless" you would be shitting yourself at the prospect. Still, who am I to burst your little bubble. Continue keeping that oversized big head (look at me, Im an intellectual) of yours firmly embedded in the sand like the proverbial ostrich. Im wasting my time crossing swords with an ignorant dipshit like you. But dont forget, you brought it on yourself with your slanderous lie posted on my profile page
  5. I dread to think how old one would have to be to consider me a "kid". I doubt you are in the age range - if nothing else you seem to be able to type.

    And the slur you used against TAT - I've dealt with your ridiculous "I didn't mean that, some of my best friends are gay" guff in that thread - is only part of the problem. More important are your attempts to defend a banned homophobe, along with your buddy MI (wasn't he once restricted for nativism? figures), and your support for the SPGB's homophobic line (calling for an end to the oppression of lesbians is pointless, according to the spamgbots, but not calling for freeeeedom of expreeeeeeeesion for the poor, poor Nazis).

    And if you think you've ever "attacked homophobia" in any form, you're simply delusional.

    I stand by my assessment: you are a dirty little homophobe, and all of us would be better off if people like you were gone. Chi vivra...
  6. robbo203
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    Yawn. You are about as witless and unentertaining as you are downright dishonest and we have seen this often enough, havent we? Jesus christ get a life, kid. You sound like a 14 year old with a penchant for melodrama . I openly acknowleged long ago that the expression "limp wristed" was, with hindsight, ill advised and that I had blundered - i ought perhaps to have said "feeble". But I emphatically reject your stupid accusation of homophobia. On the contrary I have been outspoken in my attacks on homophobia and, besides, how could I be homophobic when I had absolutely no inkling of the sexual preferences of the person concerned? So, yes, it was the wrong word to use and I said so, honestly and openly. But would you, like any reasonable person, accept that? No! You're like a fucking dog (or puppy, more like) with a bone, and wont let the matter drop. You've lost all the arguments and this is all that you cling on to in some kind of pathetic bid to save face. Its sad, frankly.
  7. Oh look, robbotnik is a dirty gutless coward; who would've thought? Ah, right: everyone. That's the sort of gutless, "limp-wristed" crap you expect from the straights.

    But no, I don't think I care what you would appreciate or not. I would appreciate if people like you didn't exist, but such is life. You're a dirty little homophobe, and one of these days you'll slip up and not even your buddies in the BA will be able to bail you out.
  8. robbo203
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    I would appreciate it if you did not post your ridiculous and slanderous accusations on my profile page, thank you very much. I really couldn't be arsed to refute them yet again;there is no reasoning with you anyway
  9. ℂᵒиѕẗяᵤкт
    Thank you for the add, comrade! Add-a-comrade!
  10. View Conversation
    Most of my friends work in research, but boring subjects. Nothing as exciting as nuclear physics.

    Until recently I worked in publishing as a proofreader/copywriter. I'm now currently a student, working towards a post-graduate (MSc) degree in nursing, specialising in emergency (trauma) medicine and acute care. I'm also a support worker at a residential care home for people living with moderate to severe mobility issues, as well as an independent filmmaker. I like to try and indulge all my interests simultaneously
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