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  1. Blake's Baby
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    The Israeli state is a brutal and oppressive machine. Much more directly brutal and oppressive than most states, most of the time. If you wnat to rate states as 'good' and 'bad' Israel is one of the bad ones. I don't, all states are bad. But even I think Israel is one of the ones that is most brutal.

    To overthrow that has very little to do with the Palestinians and their 'resistance' or 'stathood'. It's to do with Palestinians and Israelis working together. That isn't going to happen in ethnic ghettos, simple as. Not a two-state solution - there is only a NO STATE solution.
  2. Blake's Baby
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    yeah? It could be viewed like that. some of us think that's part of the inherent racist discourse of much of the contemporary left. Dumb palestinians, too stupid to realise that the Israeli working class isn't its enemy, needs a taste of an oppressive palestinian regime to help it get its head straight.

    Bullshit, obviously.

    The problem isn't the Palestinian working class. The problem is the ISRAELI working class. How does your solution help the ISRAELI working class? It doesn't. The Israeli working class has been abandoned by contemporary leftism to rot in a hell of settler-state mentality and religious fundamentalism. Hell, even the liberals are better than the left (for opposite reasons) but then the 'radical' voices in Israel just peddle second-rate Stalinst 'right off nations' bollocks, coupled with a self-hating (yes I went there) mentality (which they learned, I suspect, from the Left in Germany after WWII) - Anti-deutsche becomes Anti-hebrew.
  3. View Conversation
    I would absolutely love to, but I simply just don't have the time. I probably have a grand total of 10 minutes total per day to come onto RL, sometimes I don't past for weeks because of commitments.

    I would suggest though, that people should do the Harvey series. I cannot encourage people enough to give it a go. Perhaps an RL reading group could exist around the series.

    If my time frees up I will be happy to get involved.
  4. Delenda Carthago
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    I know. This is not an International like the previous 3 were. This is communists in a world were socialism and workers movement have collapsed, trying to find each other to see whether there is a common ground to collaborate and restart. Nothing more.
  5. Blake's Baby
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    I think that national oppression is impossible in socialist society so the surest way to prevent it is to fight for socialism. Otherwise, you just have a different flavour of capitalism. There's absolutely no guarantee that the local capitalists will be any better than the foreign capitalists. Why would they be?
  6. Delenda Carthago
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    For some reason I cant find my last post to you. Anyway.

    KKE does not have an International. KKE searches to parties all around the world to find comrades. The parties that KKE does have a relationship, other than the typical, are these:
    A small in Italy I dont even know its name

    And AKEL in Cyprus, but only for historical reasons which have kinda faded after AKEL became government in Cyprus.
  7. Delenda Carthago
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    Yes, KKE believes in socialism in one country.

    Actualy, Stalin was also differentiated DotP with socialism.
    It says for example here.

    But history has showed us that there is no middle system between socialism and capitalism. There are stages of socialism but DotP is not something different than socialism. And thats another thing KKE disagrees with Stalin.

    Read the resolution on socialism and hit me back with anything you need to talk.
  8. Delenda Carthago
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    KKE is not "stalinist". It has its own theory based on the conclusions of communist movement during the last 100 years. What we call "stalinism" for example includes the stage theory or the Popular Fronts. Neither are in the armory of todays KKE(they used to though). People that are "stalinists" or trotskyists have learned nothing 60 years now and just try to bring old tools to new situations.

    Socialism failed the first time, but that doesnt mean its gonna happen again. It was the first time this had happened and they went to new territories. Now we have more experience, well do it better. If we learn from our mistakes, that is.

    KKE had a collective study on why USSR fall which concluded to this.
    Read it if you want. It has helped me a lot.
  9. Blake's Baby
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    Not so much Parliamentarism, but certainly assimilation to the bourgeoisie and its ideologies. The trades unions were a major part of the introduction of bourgeois ideology into the working class. By WWI, the unions were mostly bureaucratic organisations that existed to negotiate the sale of labour inside capitalism and were increasingly tied to the promotion of the 'national interest'. That I'd say was more important than Parliament.
  10. Blake's Baby
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    I don't think the party-form is counter-revolutionary. I spent 20 years as an anarchist, and I was still more pro-organisation than Otto Ruhle and the Council Communists.

    'Library'... 'collection of books'...? It's not like a seperate building. It's not even a seperate room (having children meant we needed more bedrooms, damn it), just a lot of books on shelves. But I'm not at home at the moment.
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I am not a 'Leftist'. I am not a 'Marxist-Leninist'. I am a Communist.
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Political figures: Marx, Engels, Lenin, Orwell (?)

USSR? Capitalist.

“ The guard is tired. I propose that you close the meeting and let everybody go home. ”


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