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  1. No_Leaders
    View Conversation
    Hey comrade how goes it? sorry i got back to you a little late i've had a ton of shit happen and just trying to get through somethings and get things sorted right now.
  2. View Conversation
    Well, unemployment rates in the SU was about 1%. The Soviet Union followed the idea of 'from each according to their abilities to each according to their work.' Basically, if you don't work you don't eat, although the state would sympathize if they were the cause for your unemployment. If you do work, to the best of your abilities, you can enjoy all the great benefits that come with living in a Workers' state.

    A Communist society would require cooperation among every member of society.
    Bukharin explained employment in a Communist society in his book The ABC of Communism. You can find it online here.

    Also, laziness is a trait that comes along with living in a Bourgeois country. There was a long debate on this thread about this topic.
  3. View Conversation
    I understand.
  4. Brosa Luxemburg
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    Did those reading materials I gave you help at all?
  5. View Conversation
    You should probably join this group.
  6. View Conversation
    It is also not worth having if it is unsuccessful, which would be the likely outcome.

    Oh, but I'm all for a Revolution at the same time as when the country is in a Total War. The success rate on that is fairly high.

    I may sometimes come off as a warmonger, but what I wrote above is the reason why. And I don't mean these petty skirmishes, or invasions to stop petty warlords, I mean a full on total war. I can care little about soldiers, as they've pretty much signed away their rights to being human after they enlist, but, in such an occasion, I'd be worried about the impact it'll have on civilians. Besides, in the case of a revolution, soldiers are an automatic enemy, and having them on your side is often worse as they'll expect benefits for being your allies. A revolution is a no win situation unless you lead to a massive civil war that would butcher millions.
  7. View Conversation
    Good on you mate, but I'm a coward and guns give me the greatest of chills. I also have these feelings because of my own family's history with revolution and its consequences. If I didn't learn a lesson from my ancestors' mistakes, then I'll just repeat them in shame.
  8. View Conversation
    I wish for peace too mate. I too have a great disdain for revolution and butchery. Also, I feel that science is far more significant than anything else, so I will not compromise with it for the sake of a revolution.

    Honestly, and I've said this before, if there were a Revolution, the first thing I'd do is leave the country.
    I will always support stability and progress.
  9. View Conversation
    Since I don't find it very tactical to bring up Marxist-Leninist teachings with Americans, I often borrow from other Leftist ideologies. Every time I bring up Stalin or Lenin, I tend to get replies like 'Stalin killed 8000 billion people.'
    We discussed this earlier, but I just wanted to further explain why I use Anarchist concepts in some of my arguments.
  10. View Conversation
    Perhaps I'll start a thread on it one day. That idea however falls under Anarchist thought, which I don't follow. I'll use it as an argument though, just to play Devil's Advocate.
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About Anarcho-Brocialist

Basic Information

I grew up in a mid-western town. I acquired two Masters Degrees. Philosophy and Civil Engineering.
United States
Reading, movies, educational seminars, academia, writing, debating
University Lecturer (Philosophy) and Senior Supervising Civil Engineer
Political Statement
Socialism is the fulcrum to society. Those who are encumbered must establish camaraderie to the degree of kinship to combat the legion of tyrants.
Organisation Contact Details

I am an Anarchist not because I believe Anarchism is the final goal, but because there is no such thing as a final goal. - Rudolf Rocker
Economic Left/Right: -8.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.84
[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Was Known As ProvenSocialist[/FONT]
Revolutionary Anarchist Blog
"It will happen to all of us that at some point, you get tapped on the shoulder and told not just that the party's over, but slightly worse: The party's going on, but you have to leave."


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  1. Brosa Luxemburg

    Brosa Luxemburg

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  3. campesino



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  5. DasFapital



  6. Dennis the 'Bloody Peasant'

    Dennis the 'Bloody Peasant'

    IDK what I'm doing here really

  7. DiaperGrandpa



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    Superfluous Diatribe

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    Jesus Saves Gretzky Scores

    I hate myself and want to die

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