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    "Not only is it correct from a scientific historical point of view"

    If you think that I only have to get one example to prove this wrong: Union of Socialist Soviet Republics.

    "If you are an anarchist, this doesn't concern you i guess anyway..."

    If after the revolution you plan to put a state in power, hell yeah it concerns me!
  2. View Conversation
    "Fascist parties have strict hierarchies, no democratic control of its mass of members, have leaders that have all privileges and control."

    This is all true.

    "To be for a single ruling party of the Proletariat is a only a historically fitting decision, an important revolutionary one as well."

    This is a problem. So, your reason for introducing a single party state is because it is historicaly fitting?
  3. Positivist
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    I'm a little fuzzy on the issue of capital growth so perhaps you could explain it to me. My main question is WHY must productive output and/or the rate of profit increase for capitalism to survive? Assuming it has to do with growing populations, then won't socialism also have to have increased productive output to survive?
  4. Positivist
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    Wow that's crazy! How does producing so much food that isn't even ever going to be consumed turn a profit? Is that what you were talking about when you mentioned capitalists selling random shit to eachother? I guess what I don't really get is why does capitalism constantly need to produce more even if "more" won't be consumed.
  5. Positivist
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    Yes I am familiar with the chemicalizatiin of agriculture, chiefly performed by Monsanto, and how the US subsidizations ruined the Mexican economy and would do the same to European if they didn't follow suit. Though is this why 50% of food is wasted? It is unsafe due to its chemicalization? I suspected this, but didn't know if it had been proven. Honestly I thought that if something like this was known, that it would be prevented.
  6. Positivist
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    Oh and in my last post I meant "what percentage of the US population IS proletarian" not "was" as I wrote.
  7. Positivist
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    Hey you seem to be the man with the statistical information so I was wondering if you knew what percentage of the US population was "proletarian" (industrial workers.) Also could you provide links to where you find all of this information, such as the fact that 50% of food is thrown out before it even reaches the consumers. Thanks, its not that I don't believe you by any means, its just that it is very helpful to be armed with sources during debates.
  8. View Conversation
    To have a single ruling party is what the fascists have, to use a single ruling party is like asking for fascism.
  9. View Conversation

    Very excellent thread comrade, I really enjoyed reading your posts.
  10. Positivist
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    Yes I actually know about the German encampments and I agree. The US has been communism's most dangerous enemy from the first bourgiose expropriation to the present day. I believe that American activists such as myself have a special responsibility to resist our oppression so that the rest of the world can follow suit. This isn't meant to be Amero-centric in any way, it is just what appears to be true to me.
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About Workers-Control-Over-Prod

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Santa Cruz, California
Revolutionary Politics, Economics, Anti-Capitalism, History, Anti-Secterianism
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I am a Marxist Propagandist of communist or rather marxist, ideas for the Overthrow of Western Imperialism and global Capitalism, to be replaced with workers' control Socialism to Communism (depending on if we still have a planet or human race to bring world wide socialism). At this stage in history and dire condition of our planet and human race, a supporter of any rational parties with a chance of implementing a rational energy and environmental policy through parliamentary means, although i think that capitalism does not have this capability. For the Communist Party, the organisation of the the most conscious workers, the revolutionary Vanguard of the Proletariat; for the arming of the working class and strict Class theorist Socialist institutionalisation. Revolutionary "political" centralisation but economic democratisation. Socialism is the struggle for communism; an international CLASSless, State-less, money-less, and egalitarian society with the implementations of "Each according to his ability, each according to his needs" ONLY in which the age old exploitation of man by man can be abolished.
IWW (Industrial Workers of the World)
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"It is necessary for Communists to enter into contradiction with the consciousness of the masses. . . The problem with these Transitional programs and transitional demands, which don't enter into any contradiction with the consciousness of the masses, or try to trick the masses into entering into the class struggle, create soviets - [is that] it winds up as common-or-garden reformism or economism." - Mike Macnair, on the necessity of the Minimum and Maximum communist party Program.

"You're lucky. You have a faith. Even if it's only Karl Marx" - Richard Burton


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  4. Anarcho-Brocialist


    I don't need a Vanguard.

  5. bad ideas actualised by alcohol

    bad ideas actualised by alcohol

    Partyist Time, Excellent

  6. Bala Perdida

    Bala Perdida

    Darling I'll be gone

  7. BAMslam15


    Democratic Socialist bro

  8. Brosa Luxemburg

    Brosa Luxemburg

    Radical Burger Flipper

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  10. Crimson Commissar

    Crimson Commissar

    The Soviet of the West

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