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  1. Stalin Ate My Homework
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    Oh God, my posts are embarressing! Regarding tendency I really don't have any clear position. I am strongly Anti-Stalinist but not because of any anti-authoritarian stance but rather because I ascribe to the view that the USSR was state capitalist because: 1. Workers had no say in running the means of production that they supposedly owned meaning that the management class constituted a de facto bourgeoisie 2. There was generalized wage labor and commodity production within the USSR 3. The USSR traded goods on the world market, particularly weaponry often to regimes such as Hussein's Iraq, Gaddafi's Libya etc... this is why various National Liberation movements used Anti-Capitalist rhetoric throughout the 20C, in order to establish favourable trade relations with USSR. Thus the Soviet state can be compared to a single giant corporation trading on a universal scale. Hold on now, I haven't finished but my characters are limited, I've still got more to write
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    "This is the most non-historical and ignorant way to look at this. Did all of the counter-revolutionaries and bourgeoisie "run away""

    Usually when socialists speak of DotP they say it is for opressing the burgeosie, the richest guys saw the revolution comming a mile away and ran away, but not the counter-revolutionaries, those stand and fight. Counter-revolutionaries want war, you cannot opress them if you are at war with them, but you might want to have an inteligence service (like the Kontrrazvedka) to find counter-revolutionary plots.
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    No, I said it originated from a certain anarchist ideal, not that it was anarchism, for example parlamentary deomocracy was born from ideals of direct democracy, yet one has nothing to do with the other.

    "Wow, I like how you take a quote of mine out of context"

    Like you did with my " left-communists don't like using terms like authoritarian because if they find out they are authoritarian they will have something in common with the fascists", which is the base of this discussion, and it was not about calling you a fascist, it was about you not using the term authoritarian.
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    The civilian section of the Kontrrazvedka was for stoping anti-Makhnovist activities.

    I am reading the book, and the Makhnovist regime was not as bad as you make out to be, it had good things, but it also had bad things, like the excesses of the Kontrrazvedka.
  5. View Conversation
    I know Makhno executed captured comanders, but not the troops, they would be offered a chance to join the army or be released.

    I figured out what the other "secret service" was, it was for propaganda, not inteligence.

    It says that the Kontrrazvedka did some pillaging, Makhno was against pillaging, so they did it without his knowledge, according to the book the pillaging made by the Whites was much worse.

    Check this out:

    "For example, in Yekaterinoslav the "Makhnovist Social Security" carried out a massive redistribution of wealth in the form of material assistance to the poor strata of the population."
  6. View Conversation
    I have read a little bit form Kontrrazvedka and it just says that they were an inteligence service.
  7. View Conversation
    "So you agree with right-wingers that Obama is a socialist or you agree that the way you use the word fascist is in the same faulty way and you should stop because it makes you look extremely intolerant and very stupid?"

    Then how should I call people who take fascist-like measures: authoritarian, oh wait you are against the term.
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    ""Makhno the great libertarian"."

    I never said this, you guys said Makhno had a military dictatorhip-like regime, I say that is untrue.
    The only evidence I have towards Makhno's regime are in "The Bolshevik Myth" by Alexander Berkman, there it says things like:

    "he is either dipicted as a devil or as a saint"

    "Makhno saw a message writen in a black flag saying: "Kill the jew, save Ukraine, long live daddy Makhno", he found the man who wrote it and shot him himself."

    The last one is probably more fiction than fact.
  9. View Conversation
    "So what are your opinions of the dotp and what do you think the dotp is?"

    Dictatorship of the Proletariat is a phase in which the dictatorship of the burgeoisie or of the state is replace witha dictatorship of the proletariat, in which the proletariat opress the burgeosie.
    I don't believe this step to be necessary, because in time of revolution the burgeoisie and the capitalists would have all ran away, except for the petty burgeosie, these don't need to be opressed.
  10. View Conversation
    "Anarcho-capitalism is not anarchist at all"

    Analyse everything I wrote and you will find that I never said anarcho-capitalism was anarchism, I said it roughly originates from the anarchist ideal of statelessness.

    "Besides the fact that it denies the socialist tradition of anarchism"

    So, you don't want to admit anarcho-capitalism originated from anarchism because it would invalidate your argument that anarchism is a tendency of socialism.
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"The exploited are not carriers of any positive project, be it even the classless society (which all too closely resembles the productive set up). Capital is their only community. They can only escape by destroying everything that makes them exploited...Capitalism has not created the conditions of its overcoming in communism-the famous bourgeoisie forging the arms of its own extinction-but of a world of horrors." -At Daggers Drawn

"Our strategy is therefore the following: to establish and maintain a series of centers of desertion, or poles of secession, of rallying points. For runaways. For those who leave. A series of places where we can escape from the influence of a civilization that is headed for the abyss." -Tiqqun, Call


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