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    Well when I signed up on RevLeft, I was sort of a Trotskyist(because I was an idealistic and vulgar anti-Stalinist - now my opposition to Stalinism is more properly Marxist and less central to my politics), but now after familiarsing myself more with Marxist literature and the history of the Marxian socialist movement, yeah, it would be proper to fit me into the same Orthodox Marxist tendency that DNZ and Ghost Bebel belong to. I think a replication of the pre-war SPD model and the creation of a new, worker's International is the only path to worker's emancipation in the developed world.
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    I've linked to Bordiga's "Auschwitz, or the Great Alibi" before my restriction on some Holocaust thread or something, and I see that you mentioned it on Caj's profile. As a Bordigist, what do you think about it? Do you agree with Bordiga? I think that after reading this article, and then re-reading it, is when I finally ejected all bourgeoisie prejudices out of my head and became a real Marxist(and it's the only thing by Bordiga I've read in full!).
  3. I've been subjected to the rage of tra.
  4. Grenzer
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    I was just saying what Trotsky's views were.
  5. Rafiq
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    I'm not as well read on the subject as DNZ, and really, to be quite honest, haven't divulged into the matter either. I guess the best answer would be that I don't know.
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    "1. No one takes him seriously around here "

    Some people aparently do, just no authoritarians.

    "2. He constantly uses the same arguments which have been disproven over and over with no justification"

    Strangely enough I feel the same way about you.

    "(this I believe is because he lacks a basic knowledge of leftism"

    See, same argumment.

    "3. He is completely close-minded making a discussion redundant and useless."

    Exactly what I think about you and Caj.
  7. Grenzer
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    Most Trotskyist groups are openly reformist in the sense that they are trying to build a mass reformist workers party in which the marxists are a small minority, and they will admit as such themselves. Trotsky never had any views of that kind.
  8. Grenzer
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    Well he should be welcomed, but we have the OI forum for a reason. If people do become revolutionaries, then they can have their restriction lifted.

    On another subject, it is true that most Trotskyist groups don't have too much in common with Trotsky's actual political views.
  9. View Conversation
    In his writings on the attempted Stalinisation of Finland by the USSR, Trotsky doesn't sink to moralistic pleas about how socialists should defend the little poor Finland against the bonopartist armies raping her. Of Norway occupied by the Nazis, he said that it doesn't doesn't deserve the support of communists, because the issue wasn't a question of national defense, the question of national defense is secondary, what is really going on is a clash between to imperialist camps. Etc, etc.

    tl;dr Real Trots aren't vulgar anti-imperialists and don't appeal to bourgeois morality.
  10. View Conversation
    In Comrade's Ghost Bebel's thread in the Revolutionary Strategy Group, you mentioned Trots upholding a doctorine of anti-imperialism based on morality. This is not true, insofar as those that called themselves "Trotskyists" after Trotsky's assassination were not in the least bit in accordance with the views of Trotsky himself i.e, Trots that expound this view don't deserve to be called Trots. Trotsky was not an anti-imperialist in that sense(or at all, he adhered to the Leninist view that imperialism is not some act of a stronger state pillaging a weaker state, but that imperialism is a stage of capitalism characterized by the replacement of free trade with monopolies and the export of finance capital).
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"The exploited are not carriers of any positive project, be it even the classless society (which all too closely resembles the productive set up). Capital is their only community. They can only escape by destroying everything that makes them exploited...Capitalism has not created the conditions of its overcoming in communism-the famous bourgeoisie forging the arms of its own extinction-but of a world of horrors." -At Daggers Drawn

"Our strategy is therefore the following: to establish and maintain a series of centers of desertion, or poles of secession, of rallying points. For runaways. For those who leave. A series of places where we can escape from the influence of a civilization that is headed for the abyss." -Tiqqun, Call


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