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  1. Brosa Luxemburg
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    Yeah, thanx
  2. Brosa Luxemburg
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    Out of curiosity, how do you describe socialism in one country, why do you support it against the Trotskyist idea of international revolution, and do you feel there are distortions of your beliefs in the ways Trots represent socialism in one country?
  3. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    I am reading what is called "Stalin and the Question of market Socialism" and am not sure what Stalin sees as Communism who thinks 'Communism in one Country' is 'possible, especially in a country such as the Soviet Union'??? Does he mean Lenin's definition of "Communism is Soviet Power and Electrification" or the organisation of production, or what? The fourth five-year plan of 1946 "The plan, he argued: 'envisages the completion of the building of a classless socialist society and the gradual transition from socialism to communism" i am confused about the terminology, and how could they have thought that increasing productive forces within their own country past the USA was possible? This is confusing as to what people envisioned as communism, to me i thought the highest stage of global socialism, when no more competition capitalist state exists, no?
  4. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Aha! OK, i thought i was reading everything wrong that i have ever read, because it seemed there were a lot of comrades here who saw the anti-worker participatory experiments of history as socialism. Not that i don't think Stalin was a complete failure, no (i actually am happy he won the struggle and industrialised, otherwise i would probably be a fascist asshole to you now, lol), but it goes against my vision of how i define socialism. I do not know if you have noticed, but there is a rise in the global co-op movements, what do you think would be done with these during a successful western revolution?
  5. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Hey, can you tell me what you think about councils and their role after the revolution in your opinion? What do you think would happen if there were a revolution in the west, would there be a need for State-Monopolist-Capitalism, and where are the arguments for letting workers Not control their own production?
  6. dodger
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    Lenin at his best ..concise to the point. Socialist country? thread. Commistar!
  7. Grenzer
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    That's good to hear. I think it's important to take a critical analysis of everything, even those people who we see as being positive overall. That kind of attitude demands my respect.
  8. Grenzer
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    Yeah, I would agree. He was dependent on foreign aid to continue his resistance against the French, and later American oppressors. It would have been interesting to see how things would have turned out if Ho Chi Minh had lived longer, unfortunately Vietnam today is just a plutocracy with several hereditary elite families controlling things.
  9. Grenzer
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    You make some great threads.

    I'm a bit surprised to see that you have pictures of both Stalin and Ho Chi Minh as great leaders in your album. I'm not sure if you know, but Ho Chi Minh capitulated to the Krushevite line in denouncing Stalin as a rogue and an enemy of the working class.

    "By severely criticising Stalin’s errors and by launching a resolute struggle against the personality cult, the 20th Congress of the C. P. S. U. has set us a brilliant example of political boldness and deep confidence in the people. The Viet Nam Workers’ Party considers the cricitism of the personality cult as an eloquent proof of strength, and a great victory of the C. P. S. U. and of the world revolutionary movement."
  10. View Conversation
    Jersey shore rofl!!!!11
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About Vyacheslav Brolotov

Basic Information

Date of Birth
March 10
New Jersey
Reading, learning, community working
Political Statement
I am a proud student of the antirevisionist Marxist-Leninist tradition. I uphold the glorious ideals of the dictatorship of the proletariat, socialism as a mode of production, proletariat internationalism, vanguardism, antirevisionism, and workers' revolutions. I reject Trotskyism, reformism, revisionism, peaceful coexistence, market-oriented socialism (Dengism), Pol Potism, and Juche. I consider Comrade Stalin to be one of the best Marxist-Leninists history has ever seen. My ideological and revolutionary heroes include Comrades Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin (for his great ability to be pragmatic while staying in line with Marxist-Leninist core principles), Mao Zedong, Enver Hoxha (I tend to fall in line with Comrade Hoxha's thought), Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, and Ho Chi Minh. I wish to work to tear down the repressive wall of capitalism, not brick by brick, but with the revolutionary bulldozer of the enlightened proletariat under the guidance of professional revolutionaries. When it comes to the “repressive history” of my ideology, all I have to say is that citizens who do not want to be freed from capitalism and instead want everyone to suffer under it should not be free under socialism. Reactionaries and counterrevolutionaries are parasitic creatures that should not be allowed to destroy true liberty.

Upon the glorious crimson path of Communism we shall march! Workers of the world, unite! Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt Euch!


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  2. Alfonso Cano

    Alfonso Cano


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    bad ideas actualised by alcohol

    Partyist Time, Excellent

  6. Bolshevik Feminist

    Bolshevik Feminist


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  8. Bright Banana Beard

    Bright Banana Beard

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  9. Brosa Luxemburg

    Brosa Luxemburg

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