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    and you seem to have totally misunderstood what was going on. I was given an infraction and accused of being sexist and it was really obvious BS. nothing to do with "putting womens issues above other struggles". but I mean everyone will see the posts anyway so it's fine.
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    I don't have a "struggle with powerful bourgeois feminists" at all, sorry dude.
  3. NewLeft
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    Rest well my favourite leninist.

    Do you mean the unspeakable.. revleft.. purge?
  4. NewLeft
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    Hey, how are you?
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    In the end, politicians and private interests drove our nation into the ground with the use of nationalism. Now all our companies are either closed or have been privatized by foreign firms. We don't have shit anymore, any of our republics. Tito told us this: "Individually each of our republics is nothing, we are only strong as one."
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    We had lower pay, but at the same time we had higher living standards. The problems arose when the IMF began demanding their money back on loans which were in reality miniscule and imposing measures that we can return this money. With this came shortages in the late eighties and thus first unrest.

    The nationalism was not a problem until the politicians began using it as a way to gain votes. With nationalism on the rise, the groups began blaming each other for the problems. The Croats said the Serbs were taking all of their money, the Slovenes began speaking about how they work the hardest, and Bosnian Muslims began talking about Serbian hegemony. While Serbs began talking about how the Croats were becoming all Ustasha again, and the Muslims are acting like Turks and want to slaughter Serbs.
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    Tito was a revisionist no doubt. I am not a Titoist in the sense that I believe what he did was socialism, or that it mus the repeated. I am a Titoist in that I believe his politics were the best for that time in history, in the situation that Yugoslavia was in. We had to avoid being the pawns of anyone, East or West. He had to make sure that our people lived comfortably, or else we would go to war, since we are a savage bunch. As much as I like Stalin in some ways, I don't like him in others.

    All I can say is while the Eastern block lived hard, we in Yugoslavs lived beautifully.

    So I am not a Titoist, I just like him and put it as a tendency to piss people off.

    Yes, I was born in Sarajevo but left with my family at the age of 5 when the war broke out and lived in Montenegro for the remainder of the fighting. I lived in the US for 13 years, but now I am back and living in Serbia.

    Yes, the chairs were a nice touch, but sadly nationalism is still brewing from all sides.
  8. Bostana
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    I'm pro Worker.
    I still have a lot of respect for Hoxha and Stalin. But I am trying to fosuc my studies on Asian Communism right know and I think Mao's ideas aren't too bad
  9. NewLeft
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    I miss constipated Lenin. :'(
  10. Yefim Zverev
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    Thank you comrade
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About Vyacheslav Brolotov

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Date of Birth
March 10
New Jersey
Reading, learning, community working
Political Statement
I am a proud student of the antirevisionist Marxist-Leninist tradition. I uphold the glorious ideals of the dictatorship of the proletariat, socialism as a mode of production, proletariat internationalism, vanguardism, antirevisionism, and workers' revolutions. I reject Trotskyism, reformism, revisionism, peaceful coexistence, market-oriented socialism (Dengism), Pol Potism, and Juche. I consider Comrade Stalin to be one of the best Marxist-Leninists history has ever seen. My ideological and revolutionary heroes include Comrades Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin (for his great ability to be pragmatic while staying in line with Marxist-Leninist core principles), Mao Zedong, Enver Hoxha (I tend to fall in line with Comrade Hoxha's thought), Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, and Ho Chi Minh. I wish to work to tear down the repressive wall of capitalism, not brick by brick, but with the revolutionary bulldozer of the enlightened proletariat under the guidance of professional revolutionaries. When it comes to the “repressive history” of my ideology, all I have to say is that citizens who do not want to be freed from capitalism and instead want everyone to suffer under it should not be free under socialism. Reactionaries and counterrevolutionaries are parasitic creatures that should not be allowed to destroy true liberty.

Upon the glorious crimson path of Communism we shall march! Workers of the world, unite! Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt Euch!


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    bad ideas actualised by alcohol

    Partyist Time, Excellent

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    Bolshevik Feminist


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