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  1. Grenzer
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    Do you mean the Marxists of the Frankfurt School? I don't see the harm. Of course the Stalinists are afraid of branching out and reading, but I suggest reading everything you can. The Frankfurt people may have had some valuable insights, I haven't read them so I don't know.

    What I do know is that if you're a Marxist, you should be involved in the class struggle and be a communist. The people of the Frankfurt School weren't communists at all, they were actually just intellectual Marxists who had no interest at all in revolution to the best of my knowledge. Still, I think it's worth checking out. I've heard that some of the thinkers of the Frankfurt School are considered to be part of the "Analytic School" of philosophy. There are two schools of contemporary philosophy more or less, Analytic and Continental. I've been focusing on Continental first.
  2. Grenzer
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    Well to my knowledge the ICC doesn't regard dialectics as being critical. I think individual members are left to come up with their own opinion on it.

    I also think that the CPGB isn't a big fan of dialectics either, same situation more or less. DNZ talks about dumping dialectical materialism for "dynamic materialism".

    I really think dialectics is mysticism because it's basically a fancy way of interpreting the world that doesn't really have much to do with the material conditions, even if you apply it in a material sense. It's just nonsense that gets in the way of making a real, concise analysis in my opinion.
  3. Bostana
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    You're a Maoist?
  4. Grenzer
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    There are a lot of good articles on the ICC's website, but they do have their own ideological angle you have to watch out for. For example, they really try to play down the differences between Lenin and Luxemburg, which were significant. In addition, they take a very uncritical view of Lenin himself.
  5. Grenzer
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    so you really are finally starting to get into left communist material if you've read Gorter's letter. How much have you read of Luxmeburg, Pannekoek, and Bordiga?
  6. Grenzer
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    You left the CWI group. Congratulations, they were a bunch of reformists anyway. They think China is a "deformed workers' state" worth of being defended! It's going to be the most powerful and wealthy imperialist state in the next few years and they think we should "defend" it. Insane.. not even the Maoists are like that.
  7. Grenzer
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    Lacan? lol

    You've been reading too much Zizek!

    Soviet Empire is inhabited almost entirely by stalinists, but they throw aside the game of pretending that they're revolutionaries and openly embrace people like Kim Il Sung. Same kind of thing we're already starting to see here. lol I think third-worldists might actually be an improvement over some of these stalinist children.
  8. Grenzer
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    Yes, I've read Freud and thought he was a tool. Jung seems better, but I haven't read any of his stuff.

    There seems to be an abundance of Stalinists lately. this place is slowly becoming Soviet-Empire.
  9. Grenzer
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    Nope. It's kind of weird considering how cool of a guy he was. Bordiga actually met with Stalin personally in 1926(I think) and told Stalin to his face that he fucked over the revolution.
  10. Grenzer
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    I like reading from everyone who claimed to be a Marxist(even if they aren't) including Mao and Hoxha.

    What really sucks is that Amadeo Bordiga wrote a three volume book series on the capitalist nature of the Soviet Union but even after all these decades it's never been translated.
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22nd January 2012

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