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  1. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    I have been thinking quite a bit though about the transition to socialism to communism and wonder what your opinion is on these basic thoughts:
    Until there is no more wage labor, there cannot be the talk of communism. Until there are no more markets there cannot be the talk of the end of socialism.*Until there are no more commodities, there cannot be the talk of the beginning of communism. Socialism must be the expansion of the co-operative and workers controlled planned economy.?
  2. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    I am reading Quotations of Mao Zedong, it is very good. Mao was very precise. (that is not to say that i think the practice of the Chinese revolution was anything near what i envision) but Mao's idea of self-criticism and the need for the furthering of marxist thought, i find very good among others.
  3. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    I've read Engels principles of communism but have not yet read the ABC's of communism, i always figured it would state obvious non-new things, but i'll look into it. Recently i just finished a great book on the colombian Narco-state and the US War for drugs as the author shows; and the position of the FARC within this imperialism. FARC is very much a marxist-leninist national liberation movement, not narco-terrorists, lol.
  4. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Any books you want me to read that you liked? I am mainly trying to get a closer materialist conception of now. I don't seem to have the motivation for classic books at the moment, i have quite a thirst for current conditions and analyses.
  5. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    where, what is his username? That's great, let's hope he learns from here and doesn't get caught in ultra-leftism Utopian fakery.
  6. sithsaber
    View Conversation
    Esperanto is one of the most idiotic ideas to come out of the 20th century. I the world is going to adopt a con-lang, it should be something interesting, like Enochian, Solresol or Fremen.
  7. View Conversation
    Thanks, I'll check it out.
  8. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    But yes, the average working bavarian is very non-ideological sort of like americans, which is very very good. But here are a few pictures if you are interested, about what it looks like here, because most spend time outside.
  9. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Well, Bavaria is the richest state of Germany. I am from Bavaria and am quite conservative as well to be honest. I guess it's just that Bavarians are entranced in their own state and culture, it's mostly a family oriented land state with a lot of farming and tradition. To be honest, Bavarians are simple, most are not ideological at all. And so long they can keep going to the city once a month and go shopping, so long the system provides the goods, they won't look for other parties. But when it does, the DKP here in Penzberg gets quite good reactions in the city. It's quite a nice state though, so it works, that's why.
  10. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Also, the DIE LINKE party just got 16% in Rhineland yesterday and might govern there with the Social-Democrats SPD. All in all it doesn't look too good though, most germans are very much driven into this consumption culture and therefore have no self-education, making them change parties from The anti-capitalist LEFT party to the Pirate Party, a capitalist hipster party. This pirate aprty has 8% while the LEFT party has 7%, so germans are fucking idiots and most likely need to suffer a horrible crisis to statr using their brain and seeing the class antagonisms.
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