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  1. dodger
    Manchester meeting discusses why workers should vote to leave

    On 7 April the CPBML held a meeting in Manchester on the referendum to provide friends and colleagues with an opportunity to find out more about the nature of the EU and the reasons why workers should vote to leave.

  2. dodger

    Leave! We're backing Brexit

    The coming referendum gives us the chance to vote to leave the European Union, reclaim sovereignty over Britain and deliver a hammer blow to the dictatorial ambitions of the deeply undemocratic EU. This page – still under construction – is dedicated to laying out the arguments for a Leave vote on 23 June.
  3. dodger

    No advance without Marxism

    Political statement from the Communist Party of Britain Marxist-Leninist, 17th Congress, London, November 2015. There can be no advance without Marxism, because Marx showed that only the eventual victory of the exploited class, the working class, represents a real future. Capitalism means only destruction and war. Here in Britain, we need our own unique vision of a working class future in order to fight and win in the present.
  4. dodger

    Trade unionists have every reason to vote to leave the EU, and no good reasons to wish to remain, in spite of the view of the TUC and a number of their member unions. This was the theme of a lively meeting held by the CPBML at Conway Hall in London on 11 February.
  5. dodger

    Leave! We're backing Brexit

    On 23 June workers can make the most important blow against capitalism in Britain in 70 years by voting to leave the European Union. This page – still under construction – is dedicated to exposing the lie that the EU protects workers at all, or that it can be improved from within.

    Here you can read news from the CPBML and follow links to other pieces with valuable information. We will also list meetings on the referendum by any bona fide organisation calling for Britain to leave. Please email us with suggestions for meetings or useful links.
  6. dodger

    The EU: why trade unionists should vote to leave

    CPBML Public Meeting, Thursday 11 February, 7.30pm

    Brockway Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL

    Loss of sovereignty, privatisation, TTIP, attacks on wages, threats to peace – the EU has been a disaster for Britain, for the working class , and for trade unions. The coming referendum presents an opportunity to break free. Even if the TUC remains tied to the Brussels trough, we can make sure the real voice of British workers is heard. Come and discuss. All welcome.
  7. dodger
    The war must be stopped
    Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell, desperate to maintain their charade of authority, backed down in the face of opposition not of the people, nor of Labour Party members, but from inside the shadow cabinet.

    Rather than stand on principle and fight for peace, they chose to save their own skins – for the moment – by accepting a free vote which they knew would lead to a government majority. Let Syria be bombed as long as their inept leadership survives for another week or month.

    They had a chance to actually stop Britain going to war, and they bottled it.
  8. dodger

    Basic Marx: The Working Class and the Capitalist Class


    The following is no more than a basic introduction to how a person’s class is determined and the wider implications of this economic and social arrangement. Marx analysed capitalism in great depth, so the 10 points below are intended as merely generalised starting points. If you find yourself in agreement with these 10 points then you are a Marxist even if you didn’t realise this previously.

    link above to article
  9. dodger
    Where is the “Middle Class”?

    For Marxists, class is defined by a person’s relationship to the means of wealth creation, whether through production, the only real source of new value, or, through the dominance of finance capitalism, the money markets.
    Link above for full article
  10. dodger

    The Middle Class today is a phantasm: when it had real meaning it referred to the emerging capitalist class as it was situated in the middle between the Upper Class, the landowning aristocracy, and the Lower Class, the rural and urban workers. Eventually, of course, the Middle Class, the capitalists, became the dominant class in society, the present Ruling Class.

    The concept of a Middle Class survives because it is useful to the Ruling Class, dividing the Working Class against itself. Political pronouncements about the Middle Class dominating education, for example, has been used to break up the education system into academies competing along market lines. Thus capitalism is blatantly entrenched in the schools.

    Link above to full article
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About dodger

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retired tube driver
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a political system based on the british blood donor system...entirely voluntary...all can see benefit and claim such...according to need.

Night has one thousand eyes


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  6. GallowsBird


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