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  1. The Cheshire Cat
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    Yes, it is cyrillic. And I have good hopes we will.

    In a matter of weeks, all of the netherlands will be addicted to DH! You have completely ruined this country!
  2. The Cheshire Cat
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    I dont know what it was but it looked like british blood sausage, which seems hoorible. The dutch translation was: baked on portuguese fucking. Which seems like a bad name for a dish.
  3. The Cheshire Cat
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    Why is it strange?
    And I like olive oil and olive, at home we use it alot too. And peppers I also like. And feta cheese. And many more things! I like to eat in general, actually.

    I knew it was not Dutch because I looked it up to beat nationalists in debates. I knew potatoes were taken here by the Spanish because I searched for what our culture exactly was. That was when I found out we have no own culture, and that everything we are so proud of was taken here by the hated immigrants during past centuries. Or we stole it from colonies. I learned the exact history duribg my history class.
  4. The Cheshire Cat
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    My father said that too, about the lying bastard thing. My uncle often lies, but everyone knows he lies and it automatically becomes some sort of joke. And he knows this, so it it okay. But still, you cant trust him. You can never trust junkies.

    Tabaco is comsidered a drugnin Portugal? Here it is not I believe. Party drugs are popular here too, like XTC. Are these in portugal too? And have I ever told you about the drug krokodil? If not, you should look it up (or not ofcourse). It ismtruly terrible. Your flesh will literally rot away while you still live.
  5. The Cheshire Cat
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    Also, you have unleashed quite the hype here, with your hint about Darkest Hour. 6 of my friends are already playing it since I told them 2 weeks ago.
  6. The Cheshire Cat
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    Also, I think the ROTIB is going quite well. Most people seem to agree with a non-hierarchy and non-tendency group, except for Walter. But I think he is a smart person, he just had a wrong idea of what kind of organisation it would be. But Positivist, who seems to agree with us, is already explaining it to Walter.
  7. The Cheshire Cat
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    "I do the oposite, I apply my knowledge of politics into my games, for example, I can say that in fallout 3, the Enclave are fascists, the Bros of steel are socialists, and the world around is anarcho-capitalist."

    I do this too. This way I can prepare for revolutions or wars in certain area's. But when I see something that does not have to be true, I sometimes assume it is real.
  8. The Cheshire Cat
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    I eat it with mustard to give it some taste. I like hot food. But I don't like stampot (which means something like: mashed meal). My favorite meal is homemade pizza I think. And Chinese, which is even better.

    "The mediteranean diet is more healthy."

    English (and yankees) eat extremely unhealthy. Miditerranean is indeed one of the most healthy diets that exist. And one of the most tasty.
  9. The Cheshire Cat
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    "You have never heard of fish with potatoes (not chips)? "

    No, only of Fish and Chips, like you said. But that is Fish with potatoes too right? And some other disgusting things. But we don't traditionally eat fish with potatoes here. We don't have any traditional meal. We consider potatoes with carrots and onions and then everything mashed to be traditional, but we actually stole it from the Spanish during the 80-years war. The Spanish were in some city and they were eating 'stampot' (that dish) and the people were starving. Then the 'Watergeuzen' attacked the Spanish and they fled. When the people searched in the Spanish headquarter, they found stampot. Because they were starved, they loved it. And we still do. While it is actually quite boring and tasteless.
  10. The Cheshire Cat
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    "That might be compatible with I accidentaly pierced my arm with a heroin needle. "

    Haha, no, it was not like that. When I was young I loved to build those small army models, like tanks, soldiers, just anything. Sometimes I would spent 4 hours straight building those. But all that time, you are exposed to a fog of glue and paint. You will feel dizzy at the end. One time I thought, is this really all because of that glue? So I held the glue below my nose and I inhaled two times really hard. And then I got very light and dizzy.

    "I hear hashish calms you down, and makes you sleepy."

    True. A friend of mine once played football while he was high. He said he was really good that time, but he constantly wanted to sleep. Then the others would have to keep him from going to bed. But all drugs have different effects. Shrooms make you hallucinate, for example. This can be very fun or extremely scary. Many people have committed suicide while on shrooms (shrooms as in mushrooms).
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About TheRedAnarchist23

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Date of Birth
December 31, 1996 (27)
I am a massive hypocrite!
Computers, COD, and activism.
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Anarchist Communism


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5th May 2013 04:56
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17th June 2013 22:50
6th July 2011

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  1. AinoAnarchist


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  2. AnarchistRevolutionary


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  3. Anarcho-Brocialist


    I don't need a Vanguard.

  4. Brutus


    Senior Revolutionary

  5. campesino



  6. Comrade Nasser
  7. DiaperGrandpa



  8. Domela Nieuwenhuis

    Domela Nieuwenhuis

    Mostly just noises

  9. Durruti's friend

    Durruti's friend

    Junior Revolutionary

  10. Goblin



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