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    Actually, the Bolsheviks didn't intend on having a "one-party" state, to begin with. The Mensheviks and SRs walked out on the All Russian Congress of Soviets. The Left Social Revolutionaries were heavily involved until the signing of Brest-Litovsk, in which the LSRs RESIGNED from their elected positions.

    Not to mention the involvement of anarchists, though few, in the soviets.

    The "oppression" was merely against the bourgeoisie, the former ruling class, to prevent it's uprising/counterrevolution. It wasn't a blanket repression, akin to Stalin or Mao. The Bolsheviks did NOT "pursue and execute" those who did not agree with them. That is false.

    The victory of the civil war opened the way for a continuation of the workers state, but not to communism. The only way to communism, would be for the advanced capitalist nations to fall to the working class.

    There's a significant difference between Lenin and Stalin's Russia, which you clearly do not understand.
  2. The Cheshire Cat
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    " or make a "capitalism is the crisis" one."

    This would also be good. I will see into it in the morning.
  3. The Cheshire Cat
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    "I see you do not like to do tactical withdrawal."

    No, I rather use Stalin's genius tactics: 'Not one step back!'

    "Without declaring war on you?"

    Yes, a message popped up saying national France took some provinces and I had 3 options: declare war and trie to take them back, let them have hem but resist where I could, or do nothing. I chose the second.

    "Thats the one I have been playing, it is somewhat buggy, there are no checkpoints, and the subtitles are horrid, thankfully I understand spanish."

    I do have some checkpoints, but they are rare. I don't understand Spanish well enough to see how bad the subtitles are, but sometimes there are grammar errors so it doesn't always make sense.

    "cheating actually makes it more enjoyable"

    Yes, this is quite rare indeed.

    "Did you know there is a Russian Civil War mod for the first Mount&Blade?"

    Nope, but thanks! I am downloading it now. Is it good?
  4. The Cheshire Cat
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    Elections are coming up here (next month, and the most popular is the Socialist Party , they would recieve 37 seats, and the second the conservative liberals, they would recieve 32) and I just noticed a huge billboard along the main road through my village, meant for political posters. So right now I am brainstorming for a nice poster to put up there. It is going to be a poster that encourages people to resist, or at least set the voting offices on fire.
  5. The Cheshire Cat
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    "I did find a Spanish Civil War mod for cod 2, called 1936-1939 SCW."

    Yes, sorry, this is the one I meant. (here is the link anyway:

    "Also, do you know mount&blade?"

    Yes, I used to play it alot. But I was cheating all the time. It took to much time to build up an army and counquer lands, which I enjoyed most, without cheats. I have all 3 the mount and blade games, but I rarely play them anymore. 1 was fun, 2 was great, but I did not like 3 very much. Loading a gun just took way to much time.
  6. The Cheshire Cat
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    "My spanish is decent, I am after all portguese."

    Well, that doesn't mean you can speak Spanish. I live next to Germany, but my German is Scheiße. I could manage myself in Germany, but I could not have whole conversations in reasonable German. But then again, I find German an awful language, so maybe I don't learn it because I don't like it.

    "How many plants were there?"

    Not many, actually. I don't know how many plants there are, but the area on which they grew is about 2 metres long and 1 metre wide. I think they are exceptionally good plants.
  7. The Cheshire Cat
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    "You often times lose the western states you begin with, when the situation is under control you can go get them back."

    Then I made a mistake there. I tried to maintain my borders, which resulted in enemies slipping through my armies because I had not enough brigades. Then I tried to pursue the sneaky bastards into my own territory, but meanwhile more armies arrived to take my other states.

    "Did you liberate the african countries?"

    No, before I could do anything, National France took them from me.

    "Support attack can only be done when you have at least one division attacking, a division supporting an attack will behave as if it is attacking normaly, but when the battle is won they won't march to the enemy territory, and when the battle is lost they won't retreat (unless they are in the province that is being attacked."

    Ahh, okay.
  8. The Cheshire Cat
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    "I recomend Victoria 2, and Crusader Kings 2"

    I have played Victoria 2 for some time, I really enjoyed it. I will download Crusader Kings 2 to try it.

    "Should I donwload the Spanish version or the english version?"

    That depends on how good your Spanish is ofcourse. In Spanish it would be more real, but my Spanish is awful, so I downloaded the English version. As far as I know there is not difference in the game itself.

    Today I have been working in my garden. I had to pluck those long green beans. I plucked over 930 beans! And there were even more, but I stopped plucking because I fear we will have to eat beans the rest of the year 3 times a day. If I had plucked everything there was, I might have gotten about 1050 I think. But why would you want that many beans?
  9. The Cheshire Cat
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    " If you have airplanes (strategic/tactical bombers) use ground support on the enemy,"

    I see you can also use support attack with other brigades, but if I select this, it seems like they are not attacking. Is this normal?

    "Remember to increase your IC..."

    This is going quite well, I have already constructed 5 new factories and I have recieved industrial aid from Brittain and France.
  10. The Cheshire Cat
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    I went south with my army to free the people in N-Africa suffering under the German rulers and I took all the German colonies. Then National France took some of my occupied colonies without declaring war one me, it was very strange. Then I sent some of my armies North to aid France in the war, but it was like dragging water to the sea. I sent maybe 20 brigades and some bombers, which is nothing compared to the armies of France and Germany. And that is where I am now.
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About TheRedAnarchist23

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Date of Birth
December 31, 1996 (27)
I am a massive hypocrite!
Computers, COD, and activism.
Political Statement
Anarchist Communism


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5th May 2013 04:56
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17th June 2013 22:50
6th July 2011

20 Friends

  1. AinoAnarchist


    Junior Revolutionary

  2. AnarchistRevolutionary


    Anarcho Syndical Illegalist

  3. Anarcho-Brocialist


    I don't need a Vanguard.

  4. Brutus


    Senior Revolutionary

  5. campesino



  6. Comrade Nasser
  7. DiaperGrandpa



  8. Domela Nieuwenhuis

    Domela Nieuwenhuis

    Mostly just noises

  9. Durruti's friend

    Durruti's friend

    Junior Revolutionary

  10. Goblin



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