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  1. Mista Commie
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    Nice title. The Coup is awesome!
  2. View Conversation
    I have none, but I am thinking about the American Party of Labour. I have to check up on them. Do you have any party affiliations?
  3. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Hello, i am also a marxist and have problems with all this sectarian stuff here. A point i would make however, is that if there is a truly classless society by marxist definition, that a one party state is justified. I wrote more about my thoughts here.
  4. thriller
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    I would love a party that united all leftists as well. That's why I was fooled by SP-USA. Multi-tendency seemed like a great idea. But if all the people who make the big decisions of the party are all of the same mindset, there really is no point. Although, IMO, it's not like any one party is going to topple capitalism. It's going to have be every organization fighting with the majority of the working class. So for now, I'm just trying to find a communist party that fits my personal ideas. If they don't allow anarchists or marxist-leninists, whatever, I just want to get shit done. Plus I am always very open to parties and their members and marching with them or whatever (one of the reasons I was kicked out of the ISO actually). Well good luck with starting a branch, it can be hard work, but I don't think it would be terribly awful to get more people ones you get a name, meeting place/time and such.
  5. Die Neue Zeit
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    Welcome aboard!
  6. Grenzer
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    Oh, it's also fair to mention that if you really are interested in "left unity" you should talk to DNZ. Just ask him about the "party of a new type"
  7. Grenzer
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    You should stick with the APL, they are a lot better than many other stalinist and trot parties. I mean there is the PSL, but do you really want to join a party that cheers on capitalists and anti-communists like Gaddafi and Kim Jong Il? Sectarianism, when it means having the right line, isn't always a bad thing.
  8. thriller
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    I think it is important to have ideological discipline, but I feel sometimes people feel that means dissent is not welcome, and dissent is very important for a party to grow and garner new support. Kind of why I'm leaving the SP-USA.
  9. thriller
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    The IWW was pretty active during the protests in Wisconsin, and have gained some strength in Washington and Minnesota, but nothing huge really. They havn't had membership in the 100,000's since the 30's. Haha, yeah I was actually shocked when I saw the CPUSA supported Obama. But that was before I learned of their entire history. I think running candidates is good for elections. People I know say "Well with the internet, we don't need to publicize on the ballot." But I think that is kind of bogus. Because when someone goes to the polls and see's a socialist/communist running, they know that their are comrades in their general area that have support (since it takes X signatures to get on a ballot).
  10. thriller
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    Well as I said, it depends on the local rather than the WHOLE party. And when I joined the SPUSA in my city, it was made up of almost all revolutionaries. We had anarchists, Leninists, Trotskyists, Rev. Marxists, just a lot of different revolutionary ideas in our local. And I met some other members a the national organizing conference two years ago. We decided to make a revolutionary tendency in the party (maybe you saw some threads on it). It worked out well for about six months. Then the national branch got fed up with us and pretty much silenced everyone in the tendency. There were a lot of revolutionaries, but now we've all pretty much left. The local in Milwaukee though, HAHA! Now if you ever wanted to see a bunch of democrats claim to socialist in one room, that's the place to be
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Someone, who somehow did something, somewhere, at some time, for some reason. Forgot the specifics.
Long Island NY
Sleeping, politics, sleeping, music, linguistics, sleeping
High school student
The Inner Party

"It is not history which uses men as a means of achieving - as if it were an individual person - its own ends. History is nothing but the activity of men in pursuit of their ends."
- Karl Marx


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