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  1. thriller
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    Well of course there are not many IWW run shops around, considering they openly state they are revolutionary. Unions, IMHO, are very important to keep, because I feel they can be turned into (at least use the same network for) a tool for working class emancipation.
    I noticed the APL doesn't run candidates, which seems like they are more long-term focused. I don't think it's totally bad for a party to run candidates, but when they spend most of their time and money on promoting them, it's easy to see they just want a piece of the political pie.
  2. thriller
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    I think a union works well because you are usually guaranteed to have support from workers. With a party, it can easily be made up of bourgeoise members and therefore bourgeoise elements (SPUSA). Although a party has the ability to get support from anywhere and apply any tactics it feels work. So it's give and take IMO. But I agree unions prolly work better for short term goals rather than sustaining long term revolutionary goals. Plus many parties seem to be just so pacifist and issue based (even supposed revolutionary parties) which erks me a lot. Well most parties require three members for a branch, so you could start one if you just get two more comrades on board. I grew up in a reactionary shit hole and swung people to communism in high school, so don't get discouraged about it being too bourgeoise, every place is, or else we wouldn't be on revleft.
  3. thriller
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    APL? You ever check out USMLO? I used to be sort of an affiliate for them in my area, pretty good paper they have. Yeah IWW is anarcho-syndicalist in the sense that they feel a union works better than a party. But I know a lot of strict commies who are with them. IMO it depends more on the local organization of any group than the official party platform for they type of group/people/practice/etc
  4. thriller
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    SPUSA for the past two years, but I plan on leaving when my dues expired. They pretty much silenced all revolutionary ideas for policy and practice. I know some comrades in the IWW and RAAN so I affiliate with them sometimes, but not an organization promoter really. Other than that just some labor advocates here, mainly sprung up from the Walker issue. What about you?
  5. thriller
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    Yeah, the contradictions theory and three worlds theory along with bypassing capitalism seem to be out of line with Marxism. As for me, I'm a Marxist, materialist, and communist. I often call myself a theoretical communist with anarchist actions. I take a lot of ideas from many people. I think the unification of peasantry an proletariat is essential, but I disagree with other Leninist ideas. I could be calle a council communist in some respects. But for the most part I agree with the working class. By that I mean the working class as a collective has to find the best path towards socialism. Not sure if that even makes sense, but basically a working class Marxists is a term I'd use.
  6. Ismail
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    William Ash's Pickaxe and Rifle has an idealized overview, but there are also words on it in Stalinist Economic Strategy in Practice: The Case of Albania and some other works.
  7. thriller
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    Really? I could've sworn you did. Well shows how cool I am :/ No I am not a Maoist. While I think he knew how to command troops and fight guerrilla warfare well, his theories of Marxism seem to be dismal at best. There were a lot more Maoists when I first joined, but I think a lot of them left because people often ignored their comments.
  8. thriller
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    You used to have a Mao avatar. But no mention of Mao in your sig or about me? A change in political ideals?
  9. Ismail
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  10. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Well, i don't think i would call myself a Marxist-Leninist if i were a Trot...
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Someone, who somehow did something, somewhere, at some time, for some reason. Forgot the specifics.
Long Island NY
Sleeping, politics, sleeping, music, linguistics, sleeping
High school student
The Inner Party

"It is not history which uses men as a means of achieving - as if it were an individual person - its own ends. History is nothing but the activity of men in pursuit of their ends."
- Karl Marx


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