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  1. Kassad
    View Conversation
    Have you ever looked into the PSL before? I don't know if you've studied much of our literature and ideology, but you align with us much more than any other non-party member I've seen on here. It's nice to see another member who acknowledges self-criticism (anti-Stalinism without anti-communism), as opposed to so many others who it comes down to either extreme anti-revisionism or opportunism.
  2. khad
    She was also fighting the Afghan war:
  3. khad
  4. View Conversation
    During the anti-socialist revolt in Czechoslovakia, Shirley Temple (a former child-actress) was sent as a US dignitary. She was appointed the US ambassador to the country after the fall of socialism in the late 80's.
  5. Prairie Fire
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    It's not enough that you vandalize my profile, now you are baiting me in threads?

    I wouldn't care so much if you were political in your approach, but your not. Your emotional, prejudiced and your observations are devoid of any validity.

    Have the courage to leave this up for others to see, or stop trolling.
  6. Sperm-Doll Setsuna
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    I'm not Japanese. As regards the JCP they have had some increases in support as far as I recall from the Tokyo metro elections last year, I forget the national election result, it's pretty meaningless anyway as the JCP is euro-communist and deeply revisionist. At least they want to get rid the final vestiges of U.S. occupation of Japan- In most regards they've drifted more and more towards being essentially a social-democratic party, regardless of what the nationalists might have to say about that.
  7. View Conversation
    No, not at all. Authoritarianism is only one aspect of fascism. Stalin's USSR had none of the others.
  8. View Conversation
    Those are all perfectly valid criticisms of Stalin. But none of those constitute fascism. Fascism is not just some term you can feel free to throw around. It means a fairly specific thing.
  9. Brother No. 1
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    Notice it says the yuon angkar, there was alot more then one 'angkar' and barelt anyone on one 'angkar' knew who was in power so I don't see how someone in another 'angkar'. Also the Yuon angkar was formed near the border between Kampuchea and Vietnam. this video really proves nothing and I've seen all of the AmhekKhmer videos.
  10. The Vegan Marxist
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    Hey comrade, if you didn't know, I write books which represent revolutionary poetry & essays that represent our beliefs. But I'm stepping up some things for the next book being made, which should be published in a few months. And what I'm hoping is to spread messages at the end by several comrades that I know, ranging from Myspace to those that I know very well on RevLeft, & those that live around me. What the messages should pertain is small tips to the readers in what they should do to gain more political awareness &/or what to do to spread our message or what to do in their personal life, or maybe just a message on life, itself, & what to do to fight against the struggle. I'll be giving them names, like "by Comrade (name)". It can be small, or somewhat big if that's what it takes. Let me know if you'd like to contribute.

    Red Love & Salutes!
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About Barry Lyndon

Basic Information

Date of Birth
October 21
I was born in Cairo, Egypt and have lived in the United States for the last 10 years.
Chicago, IL, USA
Cartooning, Biking, History, Politics
College student
Political Statement
Independent Marxist: influenced by anarcho-syndicalism, Leninism, Trotskyism, Maoism, Castroism, Third Worldism, and Bolivarianism.
Hostile to Stalinism, Hoxhaism, Juche, Social Democrats, Liberalism, Conservatism, Libertarianism, and of course Fascism.
Anti-Clericalist, personally an atheist but supportive of the religious Left.

US imperialism out of Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Colombia!
Free Palestine!
Support the revolutions in Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Nepal!
Victory to the workers of Greece! Abolish the IMF!
Down with the racist Arizona immigrant bill!
Not affiliated


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3rd November 2010 01:13
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3rd November 2010 16:11
12th March 2010

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  5. Cooler Reds Will Prevail

    Cooler Reds Will Prevail

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  8. DecDoom



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    Ernesto "Che" Guevara

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  10. FreeFocus


    The obstacle is the path

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