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  1. No_Leaders
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    Hmm that's very interesting. So they're not very influential in the labor movement or amongst workers like the CNT-FAI was in Spain? or the IWW for example? I'll have to look into that thanks! I would love to see them be able to work together with communists and other socialists. The whole incident during the strike and protest around parliament was sad. I can understand tensions getting high, but the division needs to end and i hope for the sake of comrades in Greece we can all learn to work together against capitalism and fascist groups like Golden Dawn. I was shocked to hear they have some seats in parliament now?
  2. Stalin Ate My Homework
    Comrade, what's your view of ANTARSYA?
  3. Left Leanings
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    Greetings, comrade!
  4. Crux
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    So if you you could get in touch with the editors of your paper and make them publish a correction of that article on the Red-Green Alliance and the Danish government, which even by a bit of wikipediaing is wrong on basically all counts, in the next issue? Please do respond in the thread.
  5. No_Leaders
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    er i meant the movement didn't get that big. Dunno why i said back lol. But yeah I was just assuming you didn't think there were any anarchists however small a minority during the early 1900's.
  6. No_Leaders
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    Hey comrade, i wasn't trying to pick a fight or anything in the thread about the KKE. Hopefully you didn't take it as such. You do have a good point about anarchists you can name a few prominent ones, i know the movement didn't get that back in the early 1900's and most anarchists were killed or deported during the nazi occupation. I guess it really didn't start getting bigger until the 1970's and 1980's where they took after the Autonomists in Germany and Italy if i'm correct. Do you think the communists in Greece and anarchists will ever be able to work together? I live in the U.S. so i don't know the situation other than what i read on alternative news sites like indymedia and other places.
  7. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    So what do you think it looks like in Greece? Do you think greek people are getting mad and trying to understand the syste, and are there enough of left organisations spreading propaganda against the national bourgeoisie?
  8. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Yes i agree, let's hope Rosa Luxemburg was correct in her criticism of Marx's "Theory of the falling rate of profit" and capitalism is strangling itself.
  9. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Hello comrade, i have the same idea about KKE (although i am not in greece ha!) like you. I also have always had libertarian tendencies like you it seems, i think it is normal and good that one progresses like this, it is a sign that one gains experience. I have always seen anarchism as a bit too utopian because one of the first marxist books i read was about my hometown revolution of 1918-1919 which showed just how delicate the revolutionary balance of power is and how bloody it ended as the KPD was very inexperienced. But compared to anarchists (even thought the vanguard party is not perfect at the least) marxism-leninism is the best way, sadly, as one would like to go directly into communism, but... I am very much for workers democracy and the changing of the workers' relation to his production in the first revolutionary phase though.
  10. Kornilios Sunshine
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