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  1. Rjevan
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    Sorry, I totally forgot to answer you.
    Hm, if you mean some historical evidence, produced by workers, I don't know of such accounts. There are quotes like the Paul Robeson one: "When I went to the Soviet Union I was actually treated like a human being... here, for the first time in my life, I walk in full human dignity.", plus thereare several articles and books about the improved working and living conditions for the working class and ordinary people in the USSR and letters from workers to Stalin and the politbureau but no "My life as a factory worker in the USSR"-book, or something like that... at least not to my knowledge. Maybe you should ask Kassad about this and you're also welcome to join our Marxist-Leninists group and ask people there, InsertNameHere, for example, is also a Trotskyst and she's in our group for learning reasons.

    Sorry that I couldn't help you more.
  2. Tower of Bebel
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    I don't know, sorry. In my area Marx' books are rare so I take the one I can find.
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    Yes, I would definitely say that Cuba is socialist: the workers control the means of production through the direct democracy you mentioned. Private property, and exploitation of the workers, has been abolished, so I think we can comfortably say that socialism exists in Cuba.
  4. Tower of Bebel
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    Like Engels wrote the slave is owned by his master. The slave itself is a commodity when the master wishes to trade him. A slave mustn't compete with other slaves (he can, but only if ordered by his master); it his master who competes with other masters and small producers.
    Workers however need to sell their labour power to capitalists; as if it were a commodity. Workers need to compete to be able to sell their labour power.

    So while slaves usually don't play an active role in the art of competition workers do have to compete. In ancient Rome for instance the son of a slave became the slave of the father's master. In Rome today the son of a worker needs to fill in a promising CV if he wants to become his father's colleague; otherwise some other youngsters get the job.
  5. Rjevan
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    I would recommend "The Battle for China's Past" (just a summary) by Gao Mobo, a well-written book which shows the advancements and improvements during Mao's leadership and disproves "Mao: The Unknown Story" by Jung Chang and John Halliday and many other critics. You could see it as "Another view of Mao".
  6. Rjevan
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    We see Stalin as the legitimate successor of Lenin who follows and sticks to Lenin's teachings and ideas and we think that his way of developing and leading the USSR was the most reasonable if not the only way, which would have ensured that the USSR survives. The Soviet Union had impressing developements and improvements in almost every branch of the economy and the every day lives of the workers and citizens. We certainly don't see him as a successful but still military oppressor, maybe read this article about Stalin's struggle for democratic reforms.

    I hope this helps you a little bit, if you have any further questions, just ask.
  7. Kassad
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    Well, to be brief, anti-revisionists like myself uphold Stalin's contributions to socialist application and the ideological application of the dictatorship of the proletariat. We believe that Stalin's leadership promoted massive industrial and social development that successfully combated imperialist power grabs. Without the Soviet Union's internal progress, the gains it made would have been unfeasible. These social and industrial gains, as well as the lack of socialist development, came after Stalin's death with coexistence with bourgeois elements in the Soviet Union and abroad.
  8. Brother No. 1
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    He was Democraticly elected I think 1920s.
    We seem him as the last Socialist leader in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
    The breif Disritption in the Marxist-Leninist group is how Anti-Revisonism goes. Also since The Trots and no other group has the name ML we arent Anti-Revisonists, for that isnt our true name, because we are Marxist-Leninists. Joseph Stalin, to us, was a good, and final, Marxist-Leninist leader. Marxism-Leninism=Anti-Revisonism. As for the "State and the Revolution" you can ask another ML on that.
  9. Rjevan
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    Hi, if you want to learn more about Anti-Revisionism, best read "Another view of Stalin" and "The essential Stalin" for the beginning. You're also welcome to read through our Marxist-Leninists group, it's open and not only visible for members.
  10. Brother No. 1
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    It helped China devlop its industries,factories,ect thus becoming more with the Proletarain but I'll have to re-read on the act.
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  1. Axel1917


    Lenin was a Trotskyist!

  2. Bright Banana Beard

    Bright Banana Beard

    Dogmatic Revisionist

  3. Brother No. 1

    Brother No. 1


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  7. scarletghoul


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