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About keavy

Basic Information

Trans woman who sometimes identifies as agender. Also a founder of anarcha-transfeminism.
Political Statement
(reluctant) Anarcho-communist, social ecologist, anarcha-transfeminist, sjw, Rojava supporter.

Why Voting and Bourgeois Aestheticism Are Counter-Revolutionary, and How To Properly Deal With Them.
For so long we have viewed voting as a means to an end of the capitalist oppression we live under. One might think that we can simply vote our problems away, or that we will be better off voting in to office someone we believe represents our ideals, our goals. These people are not our comrades though; they are but hopeless dreamers and opportunists, whom look towards electoral offices as a means to "change things from the inside", as is far too often said. These people are the Petty Bourgeois, the idealists, yuppies, and those who look towards revolution only in an aesthetic view. History will show, anyone elected to an office will surely relinquish their revolutionary goals when they realize the comfort they receive in being an elected official. As such, those who vote and throw themselves foolishly at their opportunist leaders (the camp-followers and social chauvinists), become comfortable with the "reformed" system, and they too will throw away their revolutionary goals. They, the proletariat, will side with the opportunist Petty Bourgeois, because they offer them false comforts, while still enslaving them.
The poor souls will not even know they are slaves, for they will be too comfortable. The mixed economies, market socialism and liberal reforms are but superficial changes to a system that will always fail. However, it cannot fail if we keep propping it up on our shoulder, and carrying the burden of our capitalist rulers. We must allow it to fall, whatever the consequence may be. We would be much better off to support the laissez-faire capitalist approach, as it has been proven to always fail; much as was proven after the presidencies of Harding - Hoover. Capitalism is destined to collapse in on itself, and we would be much better off just letting it. However, upon the inevitable crash, we must do everything in our power to smash the opportunist Petty Bourgeois in trying to implement their reforms (as they surely will). We absolutely cannot allow them the chance to draw even a single breath of idealistic jargon. A preemptive attack must be placed first on them, and then the Bourgeois.
The Petty Bourgeois will surely always appeal to the masses, as they are aesthetically pleasing to listen to. Their aesthetics must be squashed at first sight. Propagandized to show just how unfavorable their so-called reforms actually are. Aestheticism in itself is a dangerous entity. It will give a false hope through vocal, written or visual beauty; it is a romantic principle, and it is counter-revolutionary, and therefore must also be suppressed. This is of course speaking of the aestheticism of Bourgeois society and ideas, the "American dream" that capitalism promises, and lies, about. Revolutionary, socialist, libertarian aestheticism must be encourages whenever possible.
More so on the anti-aestheticism that must take place in the revolution; but firstly, a quote from Fidel Castro, "A revolution is not a trail of roses.… A revolution is a fight to the death between the future and the past". That being said, counter-revolutionaries must be dealt with. There will be enough fighting going on, as their will have to be some form of armed conflict, to not need to have to worry about such things. They must be dealt with immediately and swiftly. We must have a cool head, a warm heart and clean hands in dealing with this. Those who would join us will be welcomed with open arms, but must be watched carefully. They are not to be trusted, and at the first sight of untrustworthy, counter-revolutionary or treasonus acts, they must be dealt with as if they were any other Bourgeois.
"We will turn our hearts into steel, which we will temper in the fire of suffering and the blood of fighters for freedom. We will make our hearts cruel, hard, and immovable, so that no mercy will enter them, and so that they will not quiver at the sight of a sea of enemy blood. We will let loose the floodgates of that sea." — Felix Dzerzhinsky.
This may seem extreme, and if it does than it has done its job. This is an extreme measure, and so it must be dealt with in terms of extremism. We must be ruthless, but not lose our sense of compassion and empathy. In dealing with Bourgeois and couner-revolutionaries we must understand that they would surely act in the same manner if in our shoes.
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