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  1. Jazzhands
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    I don't believe any of that at all, that's why I'm a communist. But I don't believe puppet dictators that suppress freedom and human rights are democracies either.
  2. Kassad
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    Are you actually trying to rationalize support for Pol Pot or am I reading this back-and-forth wrong?
  3. View Conversation
    Yes, and there is a reason they stopped working together. Also, Ho Chi Minh died in 1969, years before the Khmer Rogue were a major political force in Cambodia.
  4. View Conversation
    You didn't watch the video, did you?
  5. View Conversation
    Yeah, Pol Pot, what a great genocidal fascist murderer of a hero.
    Watch this, you might learn something:
  6. Jazzhands
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    Is this your excuse to get out of history class? "I didn't do my homework because it's bourgeois propaganda"? See how long you last the rest of high school with that.
  7. Jazzhands
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    Your proof is in the photographs, the museums, and all the other things that have been created against COMMUNISM, not Stalinism. Because you people couldn't use your own barren ideology to support yourselves, you had to steal ours. This gave the McCarthyists an endless source of propaganda to use against communism. That is what turned the working class' view of communism into nothing more than forced labor for a dictator. You are also straw-manning my argument grossly by suggesting I am a McCarthyist or whatever it is you are calling me. The real traitors are the people who killed over 2/3rds of Lenin's original Politburo while still claiming to be "Leninists".

    The whole point of every discussion I've ever had with a Stalinoid was to show them that they are so rabid and fanatical that they will even give a thumbs-up to mass executions.
  8. Jazzhands
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    I'm sorry, but I have facts, and as soon as I present them you go off on some kind of conspiracy-theory tirade and accuse me of being a Nazi. That's basically every conversation I've ever had with a Stalinist. You' re all the same. You prove my point completely right. Goodbye.
  9. Jazzhands
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    So fighting against a fascist invasion makes a country fascist? That's great logic. The Poles never held joint military parades with the Nazis.

    "The Soviet Government thus relieves us of the necessity of annihilating the remainder of the Polish Army by pursuing it as far as the Russian boundary."

    The Khmer Rouge argument is ridiculous, beyond anything I have ever heard from anybody of any ideology EVER. Yeah, the Khmer Rouge really helped build industry. Evacuating everyone to the countryside to work on forced farm labor (turning the population into serfs) is a real step forward for industrialism. Whatever accomplishments they may have had (none), that is all irrelevant because THEY BUILT TEMPLES OUT OF HUMAN SKULLS. Or was that just progressive architecture?
  10. Jazzhands
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    So helping Hitler in an invasion then massacring thousands of anti-fascists was PROGRESSIVE? Also, Pol Pot was beyond "revisionism". He fucked up a lot more than that. How can you possibly not care? Do you have ANY morals at all?
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About Brother No. 1

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March 11, 1995 (29)
Games,Tv,reading political books,etc.
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"...By its nature, Zionism concentrates ultra-nationalism, chauvinism and racial intolerance, excuse for territorial occupation and annexation, military opportunism, cult of political promiscuousness and irresponsibility, demagogy and ideological diversion, dirty tactics and perfidy... Absurd are attempts of Zionist ideologists to present criticizing them, or condemning the aggressive politics of the Israel's ruling circles, as antisemitic... We call on all Soviet citizens: workers, peasants, representatives of intelligentsia: take active part in exposing Zionism, strongly rebuke its endeavors; social scientists: activate scientific research to criticize reactionary core of that ideology and aggressive character of its political practice; writers, artists, journalists: fuller expose anti-populace and anti-humane diversionary character of propaganda and politics of Zionism..."


“Congratulating Stalin is not a formality. Congratulating Stalin means supporting him and his cause, supporting the victory of socialism, and the way forward for mankind which he points out, it means supporting a dear friend. For the great majority of mankind today are suffering, and mankind can free itself from suffering only by the road pointed out by Stalin and with his help.” – Mao Tse Tung


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