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  1. hey whats up yeah homosexuals creep me out too. right on
  2. berlitz23
    View Conversation
    you're part of several groups, which one exactly?
  3. Mala Tha Testa
    View Conversation
    haha, it was some guy on some advertisement.
  4. Nietzsche's Ghost
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    hey thanks for the link...marine recruiters will be at our school next week and im getting my friends to help with counter recruitment..that poster/flyer will help a lot
  5. View Conversation

    I'm glad you will not say those kinds of things in the future, but i can't ignore what you have said. When i posted on your profile before i did it because i wanted you to explain yourself, what you said and what you meant by it. You said that homosexuality was not 'right' - why don't you think it's 'right'? And what does 'right' mean in this context?

  6. communard resolution
    View Conversation
    By the way, given that you still seem to spout homophobic views in 2008, it seems to me that Nero didn't throw enough of you to the lions.At least the Romans had more liberal sexual attitudes.
  7. communard resolution
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    Nero got a bad rep because a lot of his pro-lower class policies angered the upper castes (the Senate and the aristocracy) who at the same time authored the primary sources on Roman history. Check the wikipedia entry on Nero for a slightly more balanced view. Even so. I doubt we'll ever hear the whole truth - I have a feeling he was a great man.
  8. View Conversation
    For the record, I'm gay and if you said that shit to me I'd punch you in the fucking face!
  9. View Conversation
    it means if everyone was a homo we would all die off because no one would produce offspring

    Okay, but i don't understand why you bothered to point that out? Obviously if no female or male humans had sex the human species would die out, what does that have to do with gay peoples or your opinion of them?

    Also, please don't use the contraction 'homo' - which is commonly used as a derogatory term for gay peoples - you've used it twice now - so i've also given you an infraction point. Homophobia is not tolerated on RL so please don't use phrases like this - from the board FAQ:

    As this is an internet message board, it is impossible for us to know the intent behind posts. Accordingly, we take all members' comments at their face value.

    Because of this, any use of discrmiinatory or oppressive language is not permitted. This includes all obvious instances of derogatory slurs related to race, ethnicity, sex, orientation, or any other immutable characteristic, as well as any derogatory use of applicable descriptive terms like "gay" or "Jew".


    I have a lot of friends that are gay, but i don't think it is right. a romantic relation ship is to build a family same sex couple can't have kids they can only adopt that good and all, but not the same as a man and a women working together to raise a child

    What do you mean by you don't think it is 'right'? That it's not natural? What isn't 'right' about homosexuality?

    Also, considering the ideas you express in the 'ALL' group, you seem to have quite a narrow view of social relationships - i.e. that the only legitimate or 'right' relationship is that between a man and a woman - and that the purpose of these should be to have a 'family' AKA kids. To be honest that is really much closer to the view of the catholic church than revolutionary anarchism.
  10. View Conversation
    Can you please explain this comment?
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About Red Anarchist of Love

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Date of Birth
June 21, 2008 (15)
I have no respect for the imperalist forces and fight them on the inside with civil disobedience
Greensboro North Carolina
activist and college student
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My complete loyalty is to mankind regardless of race, class, religion, or country. I believe in moral and spiritual force of love for all mankind which will hold order, peace, and tranquility.
Although I believe an ideal society would be a Marxist one, I don’t think revolution that kills hundreds, followed by harsh government control will every be good for humanity
AFSC NCchoicesfor youth GuilfordPeaceSociety HumanityNow

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