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    Sorry Abe I just passively pick on people these days who I perceive to be apologists for or colluding with liberals. I think it's been one reason why we're so impotent within society. Somewhat in the same fashion right wing libertarians always end up supporting Republicans. I get frustrated. Why do you think the socialist left sat by and let this bill manifest into law? [the privatization of healthcare will be passed] Why have we sat by and let the anti war movement dissipate? Why did we sit by while Obama deregulated World Bank predatory loans? Why did we sit by etc and so on? The collusion between the liberals and the real left needs to end. We're shooting ourselves in the foot is my point. I know most of us will say we don't tolerate or even collude with the liberal agenda but we both know it's a common occurrence on the left.
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    What the Obama administration should have accomplished is showing the population we have a plutocratic system under the control of concentrated wealth but instead people are in the streets railing against socialism. We should have been out in the streets before the Tea Party people proclaiming Obama to be just another spokesman for the capitalist class. We've just been played and the American population is even more confused than ever. Americans [liberal & conservative] are now almost as unaware of the class struggle and the true nature of our system than they were in the first wave McCarthyism. We've sat by, because of some misplaced loyalty to Obama, and let his capitalist policies be framed as socialism. We've dropped the ball and I think only very very strong ongoing and loud condemnation of him and his administration can get us out of this hole.
  3. Die Neue Zeit
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    Just to follow up on your approval for the "IWWA" abbreviation, I posted an article on Chavez's proposed Fifth International:
  4. View Conversation
    Hail to the king baby
  5. Yazman
    Just taking it easy I know I missed it but happy birthday
  6. Yazman
    Hell yeah, its TheCultofAbeLincoln. Good user imo
  7. Pirate Utopian
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    Happy birthday.
  8. Die Neue Zeit
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    I can't edit my message below, but "Class-Strugglist Social Labour" is meant to have the German abbreviations IKS or IKSA: Internationale Klassenkämpferische Sozialarbeitsmarkt / Soziale Arbeit.
  9. Die Neue Zeit
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    Hi comrade,

    Probably two separate organizations would be appropriate (hopefully without one being a mere front for the other). I've got plenty of suggestions for names, but both Independent World Workers Association and Class-Strugglist Social Labour are meant to have more radical goals, even if they are meant to be multi-tendency (as opposed to a communist club). There is a reason for the adjectives "independent" and "class-strugglist"; the attendance of US diplomats, letters to Obama, etc. would go against such.

    However, maybe a raid on the anarchist International Workers Association just to grab their name wouldn't be a bad idea for the modest goals you suggested.
  10. View Conversation
    Thank you for being my friend.
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About TheCultofAbeLincoln

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Date of Birth
December 8, 1988 (35)
I was born in Oakland, and have lived in California, Arizona, Texas, South Carolina, NY, and Washing
not Dallas, TX
I like to fish, cook, backpack, model railroads, and play drums. And not smoke anymore.
USN Nuclear Field Electricians Mate
Political Statement
baby you can drive my car
Citizens Against Rational Decisions

Well I'm lookin real hard and I'm trying to find a job but it just keeps gettin tougher every day


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7th February 2016 22:58
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7th June 2016 15:06
3rd May 2008

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