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  1. Q
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    I in general distrust free wiki hosting. But if it lives, sure.
  2. Tim Cornelis
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    Well that's ambitious. Probably wont succeed. But ultimately it should be the number one source for aspiring Marxists, much like An Anarchist FAQ is to aspiring anarchists. They did it, then so can we.

    Currently it doesn't show up on google. I'm not sure if that is due to the wiki farm or time or whatever. So I made a wordpress which has a crude link to it, hopefully that'll show up when marxistpedia is googled (if someone hears it somehow). Made a revleft blog as well. Usually, with threads, the more replies the thread has the higher it ranks on google, maybe it'll work with blog comments as well. No need to spam in the comments on that blog just yet -- it's only the first day.
  3. Tim Cornelis
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    Well yes if they threaten us with legal action. But we're way too insignificant for that.
  4. Tim Cornelis
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    I stole it.
    I didn't see a copyright sign, and it's used all over the internet, so....
  5. Tim Cornelis
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    What I said is wrong. It depends on the country. But usually countries have rules in place requiring two-thirds majority to make constitutional changes. The point being that even winning over 70% of the electorate over is likely not enough. How unlike is that?

    Problem with reformism is is that the state is structurally constrained to ensure a healthy private sector to generate revenue for social work programs. Thus, you have to create a healthy business and investment climate to ensure capital flight doesn't set in. Radical policies are discouraged.
  6. Tim Cornelis
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    I'd use 'Marxism' over 'communism' since Marxism is a methodical approach so allows for a unique analysis, whereas communism is more an ideology (operative not analytical) or a movement. What service did you request it on? Also:
  7. Tim Cornelis
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    I doubt they care. In my experience no one cares in particular about someone being a commie. Is it a revleft or marxist wiki?
  8. Tim Cornelis
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    Yeah it sucks, but it's free. I'm not ready to sink money into a project that is likely to bleed out. Maybe if I get some personal financial reserves.

    edit: I'm not sure about how much it would cost, if it's cheap and I know someone to help me set it up maybe.
  9. Tim Cornelis
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    In both sources defending the USSR as socialist (e.g. The Need for Planning by Joseph Ball) and arguing the USSR was capitalist (e.g. The Marxian Concept of Capital and the Soviet Experience by Paresh Chattopadhyay). From Joseph Ball's work:
    "We will find that, after 1953, the means of production in the Soviet Union were sold at their prices of production, like capitalist commodities. This was in opposition to Stalin’s line. Stalin was clear that the means of production should not be regarded as capitalist commodities. Stalin stated that the means of production should be distributed according to decisions made in the course of economic planning and they should be sold at subsidised prices to facilitate this ... Subsidies for purchasing new means of production had been used to facilitate the planned introduction of innovation up to 1953."
  10. Tim Cornelis
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    Enterprises produced capital goods and sold them to enterprises that needed capital goods as laid out in the production plan. Under Stalin the capital goods were subsidised, after Stalin this was no longer the case. But of course, exchange of capital goods based on monetary transactions remains commodity exchange, subsidies or not.
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