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  1. Positivist
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    That's weird I actually did change it about 20 minutes ago. I'm not even in the group anymore so I don't get why that's still set as my primary.
  2. Caj
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    Oh, I see what you mean now. Probably a good idea. Thanks for the advice, comrade.
  3. Caj
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  4. Zeus the Moose
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    Thanks! I am irrationally excited about it
  5. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
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    De facto, one could see the taking on of debt in the 20th century socialist countries in the late 70's, as giving in to increasing class pressures between the needs of the workers' state and the workers themselves due to the advance of the consumer economies of the west and the further pressing of workers wages in the east. It is an important dialectic to watch and for communist governments to be aware of if the people are to still want socialism.
  6. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
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    Interesting. I think you know my opinion, that i am a "Eurocentrist" or rather 'advanced-capitalist-countries-centrist' precisely for this problematic reason. First, the underdeveloped revolutionary workers countries will have to use tons of surplus to build guns and form a large and strong, hierarchical military for obviously quite a long time. This runs contrary to the development of communism. Second, there is of course the constant pressing of workers wages to the advance of the MoP sector / raising wages due to imperialist consumer competition and importing machinery, but that is quite politically dangerous. It's really fucked "Socialism in a backward country"
  7. View Conversation
    I think there's something importantto keep in mind about the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, namely:
    1) The US severed economic relations with the USSR because of it
    2) Germany was heavily dependent on Soviet imports after May 1940, and without these, it would have faced a severe economic crisis

    The Soviets could have substituted all that trade they did with Germany after May 1940 by trading with the Americans instead, but Germany had no one else to look to, especially because of the British blockade. But Stalin was perhaps also forced to trade with Hitler, because the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact isolated the Soviet Union from the allies. Perhaps it might not have been feasible for Hitler to even launch Barbarossa, or, he would have had to launch it before Germany was ready, thus greatly decreasing casualties sustained by the Soviets(27 million? Ouch!), without all these raw materials imported from the Soviet Union.

    Or so I think.
  8. View Conversation
    Regarding your thread on Soviet-Nazi trade, there's actually an article on wikipedia(yeah wikipedia is usually really inadequate, but this article at least shows most of picture) %931941)

    A very interesting graph from the article:
  9. Zeus the Moose
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    Looks like I can. Thanks for letting me know.
  10. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Yes, societal "demarchy" along the worker committees. A relationship i find crucial is the relation between workers and the managers/planners/distributors of their production. Worker committees need to have a democratic lever over policy the supervision, either in form of workplace votes for production/wage policies or representative democratic structures, i.e. voting for the "CEO" and other subsumed worker class positions of their corporation.
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