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    I have created an anti-Trotskyism group. I'm not satisfied with the group description however, do you have any suggestions? You have a talent for writing concise descriptions.
  2. bad ideas actualised by alcohol
    Sure, I'll take a look.
  3. View Conversation
    In that Trotsky thread? I still don't understand why Russian comrades should use Stalin as their Lassalle instead of Lenin. You mention Mao and China but I think the equivalent of Russian comrades adopting Stalin as a Lassalle in China would be the New Left adopting Lin Biao or Deng as their Lassalle instead of Mao, comrade.
  4. Grenzer
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    Posting on Soviet-Empire now? Good to see a voice of reason there..
  5. blake 3:17
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    "One less sectarian"? Who?
  6. Grenzer
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    Lenin the Great Theoretician. It's a compilation of theoretical articles by Soviet intelligentsia published by Progress Publishers. It's public domain so I could scan it for you if you're interested. I was planning to do so eventually, as with all the works I have that are in the public domain.
  7. View Conversation
    Also, I was going through some old threads on RevLeft about the USDP

    and Halle. What exactly do you mean when you say that the majority

    left-wing in the USPD should have used their majority to kick out the

    right-wingers? Isn't what they did pretty much the same? They voted

    to join the Comintern and merge with the Spartacists to form a united

    Communist Party, since unity with the rightists was no longer

    feasible(which was quite a Lenin-ist action, a rejection of a "split

    at any cost", i.e sectism, AND a rejection of "unity at any cost",

    i.e the majority left-wing making huge concessions to the minority

    right-wing out of some misplaced fetishism for unity)
  8. View Conversation
    What do you think about adding a picture of Hal Draper to the Rev. Marxists album? I think much of Hal Draper's thinking in regards to the true nature of "Leninism"(re. "spontaneity", "professional revolutionary"(the proper translation from Russian should be "revolutionary by profession, anyway), sectism vs. partyism and the "vanguard") is present in Lars Lih's works. I think De Leon is pretty bored without fellow American comrades.
  9. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
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    "Hey I saw a comment you posted on Q's blog here" Ha! Me Too!
  10. View Conversation
    Comrade, I was wondering if you know much about Die Linke's inner factions? Are Marxists/genuine Socialists(i.e not Keynesianists and reform/eurocommunists) a significant presence in it?
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Eisenach, Gotha, & Erfurt
The revolutionary merger of Marxism with the worker-class movement, strategically and linguistically
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"It would be nearer the mark - though still wrong - to accuse me of being a [...] Kautskyite [...] In fact, overt [... ]Kautskyism would be a move to the left and an improvement in the politics of the [...] far left." (Mike Macnair)
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"A new centrist project does not have to repeat these mistakes. Nobody in this topic is advocating a carbon copy of the Second International (which again was only partly centrist)." (Tjis, class-struggle anarchist)

"A centrist strategy is based on patience, and building a movement or party or party-movement through deploying various instruments, which I think should include: workplace organising, housing struggles [...] and social services [...] and a range of other activities such as sports and culture. These are recruitment and retention tools that allow for a platform for political education." (Tim Cornelis, left-communist)


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  9. bad ideas actualised by alcohol

    bad ideas actualised by alcohol

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