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  1. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    "The private shareholder is not abolished outright or expropriated, just progressively displaced."
    Aha, i see, so Paul wants the workers to take powe and then gradually displace markets with planning while the rate of profit falls, eh?
  2. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    "The working class population stabilizes and
    becomes better able to defend its conditions of life. Capital meets barriers to accumulation associated
    with falling rates of profit."

    Very nice, this is my main point i try to bring up here on RevLeft if you have noticed. The Rate of Profit of production is at 2%, the GNP growth has had a constant relative fall. I can recommend Andrew Kliman's book "The failure of Capitalist Production", it is very good.
  3. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    ok, i'll look.
  4. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Yes, of course. But what about the transition economy?
  5. Q
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  6. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Now, in this transition economy, what exactly is done (what elements of planning are perfected) and above all, who does the planning, where, how with what institutions for how long? And is it an (economically) expansionary transition, or when will the time be ready to get rid of money and introduce a socialist, direct democratic, worker planned economy? I might have to start reading this book i guess, but i hate having to read books online...
  7. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    I won't get to read this New Socialism book any time soon, i have a bunch of books to finish first, but thanks, i'll get to it. I watched the video though, thanks. I am not an ultra-leftist btw., although i see how my username could indicate this... this book i read "Die Revolution in Bayern 1918-1919" enforced my realist stance. The main thesis of the author Hans Beyer, is that the working class already had power (through the Räte, worker councils) but did not realise it, being led by the SPD reactionaries that had control of the central commission.
    So what Macnair is saying here, is that the party (for example in Bavaria the KPD) should not focus on letting worker councils control the economy(that the economy is not enough?), but focus on power? If yes, this is exactly the point Beyer makes in his book: for the working class to focus on taking political power through a vanguard workers party.
  8. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Oh, of course, i know. It's genius really, made for socialism! Magnificent. I meant the transition period would be a state capitalist "Socialism".
    Question: Once the labor credit economy is introduced, would the state introduce a from of taxes, or do labor vouchers imply complete socialisation and planned economy?
  9. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Aha, this made me see the importance of of labor credits. I really have never thought deeply about the implications of this... Magnificent. I would have called this transition though "State Capitalist!" as well, once labor vouchers are replaced this is then real socialism in my opinion.
    I have to ask another question because i am unclear on this new frontier (for me) of the socialist labor voucher economy: Does this not imply that no capital investment is needed in production? I am a bit unclear about the need for investment in socialism...
  10. Grenzer
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    Bordiga has an aura of superiority and invincibility among certain circles, but this has more to do with the fact that he's never been relevant enough for anyone to bother making a serious critique than any outstanding merit on his part. It's critical, at least here in an internet debate forum(in the real world, Bordiga is irrelevant), to shatter this illusion and reveal the essence of Bordigism to be the discredited economism of the past. I actually think Bakuninist degeneration is just as dangerous as reformism. The fact that they still utilize revolutionary sloganeering should not deter us from realizing that they can be just as devastating to the movement as reformists.

    It looks like WCOP has been asking you some questions, that's good. He's still grappling with economism to a degree.
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