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  1. Desy
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    So I read that article you sent me. I am a little confused, lost, and intrigued. I'm confused because I'm not sure what you wanted me to get from it. Remember I'm still new, so I could get some thing messed up and I haven't really read much of Kautsky. Other than V.I.Lennin renegade and this article you sent me. But what I got from it so far is, "Workers only" is some elitist left-comm douchey shit, and workerism is some pussy Trot squawk. I'm lost, because I was going to start reading some Hardt stuff, but not if he's a pussy Trot, and not a strong Marxist-lennist Trot. I am intrigued because Kautsky 2 points of bringing the petit bourgeois in sounds perfect. Also, I was wondering if you were trying to point out how elitist left-comms are and douchey trots are, and you're trying to push that revolutionary Marxist stuff on me
  2. Tower of Bebel
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    Hi DNZ, thank you for the welcome. I won't be posting as much as I did a few years ago. But now that my profile has been reactived, if there's an interesting debate going on, I could easily jump in. And I see you, Q and the lot still use Revleft to communicate on a lot of topics, so this comeback could make it easier for me to catch up with what you're doing. Before that I was totally dependent on the information Q supplied to me via e-mail.
  3. Desy
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    Thanks for the welcome. I hope I develop quickly.
  4. The Idler
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    Yeah, too many joke groups. Aren't the Left Leninists sworn opponents of Kautsky though?
  5. The Idler
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    Whats your take on the Left Leninists group on revleft?
  6. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Hey Comrade, have you ever gotten around to reading David Harvey's "Limits to Capital"? Was thinking of picking it off the shelf and diving in some more theory after going through a 300 page liberal-bourgeois, dishonest, capitalist propaganda book from my relative which I felt compelled to strenuously write all over and demask.
  7. Q
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    Haven't started yet tbh. There are some other things to complete/plan. And Internet is, as usual, taking too much of my time anyway

    Welcome back though! How was your trip?
  8. View Conversation
    Well the neon thing became unfunny because all the other assholes began copying us, so NC/Comrade Walrus made us these new avatars(and I re-sized them and turned them transparent). So here is yours:
    Save it to your desktop and upload it to revleft, that's the best way. And don't worry, I saved your current avatar on my desktop so if we get bored with these avatars you can upload your Kautsky back up.
  9. View Conversation
    Good points comrade. But that 1875 remark, it doesn't contradict our views though. Compare it to Kautsky in The Road to Power, about how the party cannot "arbitrarily" make the revolution and "The Socialist party is a revolutionary party, but not a revolution-making party"(chapter 5). All he is saying is that the revolution cannot be accomplished against the wishes of the majority of the country. He's not entering that Rühle territory of "the revolution is not a party affair".
  10. View Conversation
    Already in 1869, the SDAP, that is, the German Marxists under Bebel and Liebknecht, the self-proclaimed German section of the IWMA, had over 10,000 members(mostly in Saxony). Could Marx have been oblivious to this? Perhaps if he was an inactive ignorant emigre relaxing in London, but in reality he was, effectively, the leader of this same IWMA. When using this word, "party"(he said "political party" rather than just "party" actually, which is even better for our case), he could not have been oblivious to the German developments, the developments in his homeland.

    Maybe his conception of the party, while not exactly developed, wasn't really "primordial", but perhaps a step more advanced than that - "rudimentary"?
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Eisenach, Gotha, & Erfurt
The revolutionary merger of Marxism with the worker-class movement, strategically and linguistically
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"It would be nearer the mark - though still wrong - to accuse me of being a [...] Kautskyite [...] In fact, overt [... ]Kautskyism would be a move to the left and an improvement in the politics of the [...] far left." (Mike Macnair)
Sympathizer re.: Communistisch Platform, WPA, and CPGB (PCC)
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"A new centrist project does not have to repeat these mistakes. Nobody in this topic is advocating a carbon copy of the Second International (which again was only partly centrist)." (Tjis, class-struggle anarchist)

"A centrist strategy is based on patience, and building a movement or party or party-movement through deploying various instruments, which I think should include: workplace organising, housing struggles [...] and social services [...] and a range of other activities such as sports and culture. These are recruitment and retention tools that allow for a platform for political education." (Tim Cornelis, left-communist)


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